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September 30, 2014

Peaxy Launches Scalable Data Manager

Data management specialist Peaxy Inc. (pronounced “peak-see”) is targeting the enormous growth of unstructured data in industrial sectors with its Hyperfiler system designed to harness disparate data through controlled access and a “consistent data path.”

San Jose-based Peaxy said this week its data management tool targets engineers and analysts who must search for datasets across geographic locations, platforms and storage devices. The unstructured data is then pieced together to aid, for example, the product lifecycle spanning design and simulation.

By making unstructured data immediately accessible regardless of source location or quantity, the company claims its approach can help accelerate technically complex, data-intensive projects such as energy exploration and extraction.

The company cited the large number of datasets gathered from around the world by energy companies. The Hyperfiler system is intended to aggregate all data in one repository so it can be accessed and retrieved to “drive engineering reuse,” Peaxy client General Electric Oil & Gas explained in a statement announcing the system.

The energy company said it is using Hyperfiler to crunch data that often spans decades. The data analytics products are used by engineers to help mitigate risks and in applications such as predictive maintenance.

Peaxy President and CEO Manuel Terranova noted that research and engineering enterprises are looking for ways to store unstructured data that allows greater accessibility. The data management vendor’s approach seeks to turn massive amounts of technical data into an accessible company asset. “The companies we aim to serve initially have longer-term product lifecycles—they want to find and harvest the dataset over the long haul, often significantly more than 50 years,” Terranova explained.

Peaxy launched its data aggregator earlier this year with a “charter customer,” presumably General Electric Oil & Gas. It announced general availability of its Hyperfiler system on Sept. 29.

The company said the data management tool could scale to “tens of thousand” of nodes to create what it called exabyte-scale data infrastructure to organize unstructured data from a range of sources. “Performance scales [linearly] in parallel with capacity,” the company claimed.

Data management is enhanced via distributed namespace and data space features designed to eliminate data “silos.” Data is also tiered in specific storage classes based on performance, capacity and the ability to replicate data.

Peaxy earlier announced that a version of its Hyperfiler system was beta tested on an Amazon Web Services cloud platform on behalf of a “Fortune 25” industrial company. The prototype system scaled to 26 nodes and 20 million files while running on the AWS cloud. Peaxy said the beta test demonstrated that Hyperfiler could provide scalable AWS storage option. Cloud-based storage would allow users to view entire datasets either on premises or via cloud storage.

Along with the energy industry, Peaxy targets engineers working in the aerospace, automotive and other sectors of the transportation industry. The company’s business model focuses on boosting engineering productivity at remote locations through greater access to “mission-critical” company data regardless of where it is stored.

Peaxy added that its approach increases access to unstructured, or “dark” data often stuck in silos that could be tapped to speed product development. “All data is broken out of silos and into a data plane” to speed access, it noted in a promotional video. Hyperfiler clusters can then be scaled to “tens of thousands” of virtual computing machines to achieve the claimed exabyte data platform.

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