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June 22, 2018

HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice Awards Turns 15

A hallmark of sustainability is this: If you are not serving a need effectively and efficiently you do not last. The HPCwire Readers’ and Editors’ Choice awards program has stood the test of time. Each year, our readers from the global HPC community recognize the outstanding organizations, technologies and use cases across science and industry. Launched in 2003 at Supercomputing in Phoenix, Arizona, the program is celebrating 15 years of honoring achievement in HPC.

Each year, several months before SC, HPCwire’s worldwide readership is polled to determine Readers’ Choices and a panel of industry luminaries decides the Editors’ Choices. Inaugural award winners honored at SC03 included Cray, IBM, SGI, Cisco, Sun, Linux Networx, Dell, EMC – and Apple. Lest anyone forget Apple’s foray into high-performance computing, its System X installation at Virginia Tech, comprised of dual-processor Power Mac G5s, was once the fastest academic supercomputer in the world.

Tom Tabor, publisher of HPCwire, recalls the awards program was conceived from a desire to recognize compelling and worthwhile HPC success stories. From an initial pool of 12 categories, the program has reflected the growth and broadening impact of high-performance computing beyond its roots in academia and government.

You can read the rest of the story at HPCwire.
