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July 2, 2019

RavenDB Launches Managed Cloud Service

Organizations that want to run a NoSQL database in the cloud but don’t want to worry about managing or tuning the database may want to check out RavenDB Cloud, a new database service unveiled today by RavenDB.

RavenDB is an open-source, multi-modal database designed to power transaction workloads in an ACID-compliant manner. The distributed database exposes data as documents or graphs, and supports a SQL-like query language like traditional relational databases.

While plenty of users have implemented RavenDB in the cloud, most of them have been forced to configure, manage, and support the database themselves. The new RavenDB Cloud offering will eliminate that work, according to RavenDB CEO Oren Eini.

“Our objective is to completely remove all the grunt work associated with acquiring, configuring and maintaining a database so that users can focus more on their application and how it works with their data,” Eini states in a press release.

With RavenDB Cloud, the company itself will perform all daily management tasks associated with maintaining hardware, monitoring the database, and ensuring security for its users, the company says. The service is available on AWS and Azure, with plans to run on Google Cloud in the future, the company says.

Clouds are now the default platform for deploying databases, according to Gartner, which released a report last week that found that 68% of the growth in the database market from 2017 to 2018 arose in the cloud.

The Israeli company is giving users several migration tools to get their data into RavenDB Cloud from a variety of sources, including SQL databases, other NoSQL databases, on-prem RavenDB databases, and RavenHQ, another hosted RavenDB service.

The company has several options available to customers, including dedicated smaller machines and larger clusters for higher end systems. There is also a “burstable mode” for medium-sized projects that RavenDB says will save customers up to 20% on the cost, and a free tier for hobbyists and small projects.

Eini founded Hibernating Rhinos, the company behind RavenDB, back in 2008. As the developer of two popular developer tools, called Entity Framework Profiler and NHibernate Profiler, Eini had a unique view into the bottlenecks that afflict databases. He took those learnings and applied them with RavenDB, which Eini claims has overcome the scalability, high availability, speed, and performance issues common with databases.

RavenDB was developed primarily in C# and has more than 1,500 paying customers, according to the company.

Related Items:

Cloud Now Default Platform for Databases, Gartner Says

RavenDB Adds Graph Queries
