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February 19, 2021

Nvidia Opens the Door to Deep Learning Workshops

Good news for folks looking to learn about the latest AI development techniques: Nvidia is now allowing the general public to access the online workshops it provides through its Deep Learning Institute (DLI).

The GPU giant today announced today that selected workshops in the DLI catalog will be open to everybody. These workshops previously were available only to companies that wanted specialized training for their in-house developers, or to folks who had attended the company’s GPU Technology Conferences.

Two of the open courses will take place next month, including “Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA Python,” which explores developing parallel workloads with CUDA and NumPy and cost $500. There is also “Applications of AI for Predictive Maintenance,” which explores technologies like XGBoost, LSTM, Keras, and Tensorflow, and costs $700. Certificates are available for those who complete both workshops.

The course fees cover access to GPU-accelerated development servers in the cloud, as well as learning material and instructors. Thirteen more courses will be held throughout April and May 2021. You can see the full schedule at

Nvidia’s DLI includes about 40 courses across four topics–deep learning, accelerated computing, data science, and infrastructure topics. Some of the courses are free, while others are available for a fee.

Demand for deep learning and AI training has increased in recent years. Nvidia says that it trained 75,000 developers through the DLI in 2020, a 36% increase over 2019. Opening the workshops up to the general public will increase participation, according to Will Ramey, global head of Developer Programs at Nvidia.

“Our public workshops provide a great opportunity for individual developers and smaller organizations to get industry-leading training in deep learning, accelerated computing and data science,” Ramey says in a blog. “Now the same expert instructors and world-class learning materials that help accelerate innovation at leading companies are available to everyone.”

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