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February 3, 2023

Onehouse Announces $25M Series A, New Feature for Its Managed Lakehouse Platform

Managed data lakehouse firm Onehouse has announced a $25 million Series A funding round, bringing its total funding to $33 million. Additionally, the company announced a new feature of its platform called Onetable.

Onehouse emerged from stealth a year ago, and its cloud-native managed lakehouse service is based on Apache Hudi, a data platform created by Onehouse Founder and CEO Vinoth Chandar while working at Uber in 2016. The addition of Onetable will heighten the platform’s interoperability.

“Onehouse is releasing Onetable so Hudi data lakehouses can fully leverage native performance accelerations in Databricks and Snowflake, by interoperating with their respective open metadata layers Delta Lake and Apache Iceberg,” the company said in a statement. “Onetable avoids data fragmentation by removing the need to copy data around and offers a wider ecosystem selection of highly performant engines.” This interoperability can support use cases such as traditional analytics, stream processing, data science, machine learning, and AI.

“Over the past year, we have built a first-of-its-kind cloud product to get data lakes up and running with just a few clicks. With Onetable, we are addressing a huge gap in the market around data interoperability, while enabling our customers to use Onehouse seamlessly with any major query engine,” said Chandar.

This latest funding round was co-led by Addition and Greylock Partners, both of which co-led the February 2022 seed round of $8 million. Onehouse will use the fresh funds to advance its product and grow its team to meet market demand. Jerry Chen of Greylock and Aaron Schildkrout of Addition both joined the Onehouse board as part of this deal.

(Source: Onehouse)

“Onehouse continues to play a major role in shaping the emerging data lakehouse market by delivering core infrastructure needs like data management, ingestion, performance tuning, and interoperability with the ease of a cloud data warehouse,” said Chen in a statement.

Data lakehouses combine the flexibility and scalability of data lakes with the data management capabilities of traditional data warehouses. Chandar penned a blog post at the time of this announcement in which he discusses how data lakehouse architecture is taking a foothold: “Back in 2021, most of the organizations we talked to were curious about the new lakehouse technologies. However, 2022 was, in many ways, the breakout year for the lakehouse, where almost all organizations we talked to were actively evaluating this shift. As someone who has been working on lakehouse technology even before it was called ‘lakehouse,’ I couldn’t be more excited to see the incredible growth and momentum for the category,” he wrote. He mentions that Apache Hudi saw record levels of engagement over the last year and that most all major cloud warehouses and data lake engines have integrations for lakehouse storage projects.

Chandar is cautious in his optimism, noting that lakehouses currently occupy the peak of the Gartner hype cycle, where expectations for a technology are high but do not always align with its existing capabilities: “At Onehouse, we have a team that has been in the trenches to operate arguably the largest transactional data lake on the planet. We want to learn from the shortcomings of the original Hadoop EDW vision, where euphoria and optimism ultimately failed to deliver mature, easy-to-use software services needed to adopt the technology quickly. We are approaching the inevitable platformization of the lakehouse with a keen focus on the automation, operational excellence and technology innovations necessary based on our hard-earned battle scars,” he wrote.

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