Tag: AllegroGraph
Franz Unveils AllegroGraph Cloud – A Managed Service for Neuro-Symbolic AI Knowledge Graphs
There is an interesting contradiction in AI between rule-based systems and machine learning. While rule-based systems offer better interpretation and transparency, machine learning is significantly better at handling com Read more…
Graph Database ‘Shapes’ Data
A semantic graph database technology vendor is supporting a key specification designed to validate graph-based data against a set of conditions that specify the “shape” of data. The goal is a more agile way of analyz Read more…
The Bright Future of Semantic Graphs and Big Connected Data
The big data revolution is generating a mess of unruly data that's difficult to parse and understand. This is to be expected--explosions don't generally occur in a nice, orderly fashion, after all. But if the folks at Cl Read more…
Hadoop, Triple Stores, and the Semantic Data Lake
Hadoop-based data lakes are springing up all over the place as organizations seek low-cost repositories for storing huge mounds of semi-structured data. But when it comes to analyzing that data, some organizations are fi Read more…