Tag: Amazon S3
AWS Launches High-Speed Amazon S3 Express One Zone
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a major player in the public cloud space, however, with several other emerging competitors, AWS needs to continue evolving and innovating to continue enjoying the largest slice of the cloud p Read more…
Attracting Talent Means Taking a Dynamic Approach to Infrastructure
The rise in modern applications has set the growth rate of unstructured data on fire, and handling all of that data can be tough. Businesses not only want to do more with it, they know that they must in order to compete. Read more…
Rockset Expands SQL Links to Tableau
Rockset, the serverless operational analytics vendor, is expanding its network of data connections through a partnership with data visualization specialist Tableau to develop real-time dashboards for NoSQL data. The part Read more…
Data Lakes Get Structured
The explosion of unstructured and partially structured data has made traditional data lakes harder to manage. Adding to the challenge are “brittle” data pipelines that are time-consuming to create as well as ephemera Read more…
MinIO Enjoying Role in Emerging Cloud Architecture
In the post-Hadoop world, object storage systems have become the new favored place to park petabytes of data, with Amazon S3 leading the way among cloud providers. But when organizations are looking for on-premise object Read more…
Amazon S3 Dominance Spawns Storage Challengers
When it comes to storing data, Amazon's Simple Storage Service (S3) is a runaway success. With trillions of files under management spanning many exabytes worth of data, S3 is the largest digital storage system in the kno Read more…
Object Storage Ecosystem Grows While Standardizing and Consolidating, IDC Says
The object storage system landscape has changed dramatically in the past year thanks to consolidation of the players involved and technological standardization, IDC says in its latest report. Object-based storage syst Read more…
IBM Challenges Amazon S3 with Cloud Object Store
IBM Thursday took the wraps off a new multi-tenant cloud-based object storage system that it claims is 25% cheaper than Amazon Web Services' Simple Storage Service (S3). In addition to being cheaper, Big Blue claims its Read more…
Hadoop Past, Present, and Future
Every few years the technology industry seems to be consumed with a shiny new object that gets hyped far beyond reality. At worst, the inevitable bursting of the hype bubble leads to the disappearance of the technology f Read more…