Tag: anomalies
New Exploratory Data Tool Identifies Anomalies in Multivariate Datasets
Mona, the maker of an AI monitoring platform, has introduced a new automated exploratory data analysis tool to identify the root cause of anomalies in multivariate datasets. Multivariate data analysis can be complex a Read more…
Your Data Is Talking. Are You Listening?
Imagine you’re reading a murder mystery. The plot’s thickening, the game’s afoot, you’re pages away from knowing who’s done it and you’ve reduced your fingernails to a stub. Then, all of a sudden, a new chara Read more…
Visualizations That Make You Go ‘Hmmm’
When it comes to big data, advanced analytics, and AI, we’re conditioned to expect the big “aha!” moment. We expect to see the crazy-haired data expert leap out of bed, saying something like “By George, I think I Read more…