Tag: anti-money laundering
Graph Analytics Powers Insights in Financial Services
When a new technology emerges, financial services firms often are among the first adopters. Anything that can provide banks, investment houses, or insurance companies a competitive edge is given a shot. So it’s not sur Read more…
TigerGraph Offers Free Graph Database for On-Prem Analysis
TigerGraph today rolled out a new deal that allows customers to store up to 50 GB of data in a distributed graph database running on-premise, matching what it already offered in the cloud. The company also welcomed more Read more…
Alternative Data Goes Mainstream in Financial Services
Hundreds of years of financial transactions have created well-worn paths for commerce to be conducted. Companies have been quite comfortable operating within the limits defined by these routes, largely because they’re Read more…
Filling Cybersecurity Blind Spots with Unsupervised Learning
What you don't know can hurt you. And when you're processing millions of transactions per day, what you don't know probably is hurting you. That's why using unsupervised machine learning techniques to create a fuller pic Read more…