Tag: apache
Confluent and Databricks Join Forces to Bridge AI’s Data Gap
Enterprise data is scattered across various platforms in different formats across diverse data streams and repositories. This complexity makes it challenging to connect operational and analytical systems, which often rem Read more…
ASF Unveils the Next Evolution of Big Data Processing With the Launch of Hive 4.0
The recently released Apache Hive 4.0 by Apache Software Foundation (ASF) marks a significant milestone in the progress of data lake and data warehouse technologies. In the world of big data processing tools, Apache Read more…
Apache Software Foundation Announces New Top-Level Project Apache Paimon
With the introduction of Apache Paimon by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), users can now process data in both batch and streaming modes. Paimon has been under incubation status for a year and has now graduated from Read more…
Apache Doris Analytical Database Graduates from Apache Incubator
Any candidate for the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) and its arsenal of enterprise-grade, open-source software for the public good first goes through the Apache Incubator. Now, the latest project has graduated from the Read more…
Apache Cassandra 4.0 Launches
Nearly six years after the 3.0 release of Apache Cassandra NoSQL database in November 2015 – and more than a year since it launched into beta – Apache Cassandra 4.0 has finally released to general customers. Apache C Read more…
Architect’s Guide for Selecting Scalable Data Layer Technologies
Architects and CTOs must be especially considerate in their evaluation of how a specific technology solution delivers value, and careful of any added complexity or other drawbacks a solution may bring with it. In Read more…
Cloudera Commits to 100% Open Source
The old Cloudera developed and distributed its Hadoop stack using a mix of open source and proprietary methods and licenses. But the new Cloudera will be 100% open source, just like Hortonworks, its one-time Hadoop rival Read more…
Open Source is Now a Big Data Service
Open source technologies continue to make headway across a range of industries undergoing digital conversions. The big data sector has of course led the way with a growing list of Apache Foundation projects ranging from Read more…
ODPi Tackles Hive with Latest Hadoop Runtime Spec
ODPi today unveiled the second major release of its Runtime Specification that's geared at setting a standard for Hadoop components to ensure greater interoperability among distributions and third-party products. New add Read more…
Apache Takes Storm Into Incubation
On Wednesday night, Doug Cutting, Director for the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), announced that the organization will be adding the distributed real time computation system known as Storm as the foundations newest Incubator podling. Read more…
Putting Some Real Time Sting into Hive
A coalition of Hive community enthusiasts report that they have achieved a 45x performance increase for Apache Hive through an effort they have branded “The Stinger Initiative.” The group says they are aiming at 100x improvement. Read more…
Apache Hadoop 2.0.3-Alpha Released With Future Outlook
The next generation of the Apache Hadoop open-source software framework has been given an alpha release and set free in the wild, delivering the next major milestone for the Apache Hadoop community. Read more…
BioInformatics: A Data Deluge with Hadoop to the Rescue
Apache Hadoop-based massively parallel processing is well suited to address many challenges in the growing field of BioInformatics. BioInformatics is not a “spectator sport”; this article explains how to get started via hands-on experience with the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS). Read more…
Searching Big Data’s Open Source Roots
The face of search has changed dramatically since the first days of Google and other search engines due to many widely-used open source technologies that enable complex queries across vast sets of multi-structured data. This week we talk with Apache Mahout, Lucene and Solr guru Grant Ingersoll, now Chief Scientist at LucidWorks, about what has... Read more…
Pentaho Stirs Open Source Kettle
This week open source business intelligence vendor, Pentaho, pushed the code that powers the latest release of their Kettle offering into an Apache 2.0 license, strengthening ties to Hadoop and related projects under the same license.... Read more…
Hadoop Hits Primetime with Production Release
After six years of endless refinements among a set of big name users including Facebook, Yahoo and others, the Apache Software Foundation announced this week that the first enterprise-ready version, dubbed 1.0, of Hadoop was ready to roll forward in production environments. Read more…