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Tag: Apache Kafka

Confluent Goes On Prem with Apache Flink Stream Processing

Organizations that want to take advantage of Apache Flink’s class-leading stream processing capabilities but don’t want to run the setup in the cloud were given another option today when Confluent announced the gener Read more…

Confluent Upgrades Flink Support, Advancing Real-Time Data Streaming Capabilities

Confluent, a platform that simplifies real-time data streaming and system integration, announced the latest version of its flagship product, Confluent Cloud, at the Current 2024, held this year in Austin, TX. The even Read more…

Confluent Nabs Competitor WarpStream to Bolster Streaming in the Cloud

Well, that was quick. Barely a year after Kafka-compatible streaming startup WarpStream Labs opened its virtual doors, it’s been acquired by Confluent, the commercial outfit behind Apache Kafka. The big get for Conflue Read more…

StreamNative Bolsters Pulsar Data Streaming Platform with Ursa

StreamNative, the commercial venture behind Apache Pulsar, today rolled out Ursa, a new data streaming engine for its hosted Pulsar environment that is API-compatible with its competitor, Apache Kafka. Ursa also supports Read more…

Confluent Adds Flink, Iceberg to Hosted Kafka Service

Confluent today made a pair of big announcements at its Kafka Summit London event, including the general availability of Apache Flink and the addition of Apache Iceberg support in its Kafka-based cloud offering. The new Read more…

Using Streaming Data Applications to Power Decision-Making

How do businesses make timely decisions with efficiency? One approach uses streaming (real-time) data applications that collect, analyze, and offer insights about data as it is generated, as opposed to systems that store Read more…

Kafka Disruptor Redpanda Raises $100M Series C

Streaming data platform Redpanda has raised $100 million in a Series C funding round for a total of $165 million in funding. Redpanda is a Kafka-compatible streaming data platform that the company says is high perform Read more…

Cable TV’s Latest Hit: Greater Grid Stability

The nation’s electric grids are more vulnerable to blackouts than they used to be. Whether it’s cyber criminals hacking into the grid or the shift to renewable energy sources, electricity distribution is at a critica Read more…

Confluent’s New Cloud Capabilities Address Data Streaming Hurdles

Confluent has announced several new Confluent Cloud capabilities and features that address the data governance, security, and optimization needs of data streaming in the cloud. “Real-time data is the lifeblood of ev Read more…

Aiven Announces General Availability of Aiven for Apache Flink

Open source cloud data platform Aiven has announced the general availability of Aiven for Apache Flink. This fully-managed service can be deployed in the cloud of a user’s choice and across multiple cloud vendors incl Read more…

Confluent Works to Hide Streaming Complexity

Technical complexity is inherent when building distributed stream processing systems, particularly when integrating new real-time applications with traditional IT systems. But Confluent, the company behind Apache Kafka, Read more…

Aiven Introduces an Open Source Streaming Ecosystem for Apache Kafka

Users of the event streaming platform Apache Kafka may be interested to know there are new management services available through Aiven. The company has announced a complete open source streaming ecosystem for Kafka. A Read more…

Developing Kafka Data Pipelines Just Got Easier

Developing data pipelines in Apache Kafka just got easier thanks to the launch of Stream Designer, a graphical design tool that is now available on Confluent Cloud. Confluent also used this week’s Kafka conference, dub Read more…

Confluent Gives Streaming Data More Enterprise Chops

Confluent today unveiled an update to its streaming data platform that will introduce new enterprise features, including more fine-grained permissions for data access, data observability, and a guarantee of four-nines of Read more…

StarTree Keeps Real-Time Analytics Fresh with New Options for Pinot

Since it was created at LinkedIn in 2015, interest in Apache Pinot--the distributed storage and analytics engine for real-time analytics--has steadily grown. But over the past year, the number of downloads and active par Read more…

Confluent Delivers New Cluster Controls, Data Connectors for Hosted Kafka

Confluent today unveiled a string of new enhancements for its Apache Kafka-based streaming data offering, including new source and sink data connectors, new controls for expanding and shrinking Kafka clusters, and enhanc Read more…

It’s Time for Governance on Streaming Data, Confluent Says

One of the toughest aspects of big data is simply managing it and ensuring that it’s clean, accessible, and secure. This is hard enough when the data is at rest, but it’s another ballgame entirely when it’s moving. Read more…

Confluent Ships ‘Cluster Linking’ in Kafka Platform Update

Companies that are pushing the envelope in terms of the scale of their real-time streaming data deployments will be happy to know they can now run a Kafka cluster that spans on-prem and cloud resources via cluster linkin Read more…

Confluent S-1 Reveals ‘Reimagining of Business’ Theme

Kafka-backer Confluent yesterday published its S-1 with the SEC, which it previously kept confidential when it originally filed to go public back in April. The 198-page document reveals some details about Confluent, as w Read more…

Three Takeaways from Jay Kreps’ Kafka Summit Keynote

We’re always interested in hearing what Apache Kafka co-creator Jay Kreps has to say, since he’s one of the smartest folks in distributed systems today. The Confluent CEO didn’t disappoint in delivering insight int Read more…
