Tag: Apache Storm
Meet Karthik Ramasamy, a 2023 Datanami Person to Watch
Few individuals have had as much impact on the market for real-time data streaming as Karthik Ramasamy, who is the creator of Apache Storm and Apache Pulsar and the Head of Streaming at Databricks. That’s why we chose Read more…
Understanding Your Options for Stream Processing Frameworks
Real-time stream processing isn't a new concept, but it's experiencing renewed interest from organizations tasked with finding ways to quickly process large volumes of streaming data. Luckily for you, there are a handful Read more…
Taming Apache Storm for Real-Time Analytics
Apache Storm is gaining a foothold among organizations looking to do real-time analytics on streaming data. However, the difficulty in working with the distributed processing framework is proving to be a major hurdle to Read more…
Lockheed Aims to Make Apache Storm Easier to Use
The data analytics arm of defense contractor Lockheed Martin yesterday announced that it's making a big data analysis tool available as open source. Dubbed StreamFlow, the tool is designed to make it easier for beginner Read more…
Apache Takes Storm Into Incubation
On Wednesday night, Doug Cutting, Director for the Apache Software Foundation (ASF), announced that the organization will be adding the distributed real time computation system known as Storm as the foundations newest Incubator podling. Read more…