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Tag: APIs

Climbing the Ladder of Abstraction

Today’s cloud infrastructure is fantastic. The richness and power of our cloud-native ecosystem around Kubernetes are easy to forget. It’s hard to remember the world before containers and Kubernetes. How hard it was Read more…

How to Address Scale and Performance Needs in IoT

During the summer, electricity grid disruptions and outages can occur more frequently. It’s a frightening thought: 12 nursing home residents died in Florida in stifling heat after Hurricane Irma knocked out their facil Read more…

Serverless Evolved: The Power of Stateful Applications in Four Simple Business Benefits

"We predict that serverless computing will grow to dominate the future of cloud computing." —Berkeley CS Department Serverless has gained popularity, mostly in the adoption of Function as a Service (FaaS). These state Read more…

Human + Machine Identity: A New Frontier for DevOps Automation

Identity has become the front door to all our online experiences, and the security perimeter for all our data. However, there's been no easy way to handle scenarios that involve a combination of human and machine access. Read more…

Real-Time Data App Development Gets a Boost

A new database feature is designed to accelerate development of real-time data applications by supporting developers’ queries “in response to events.” Rockset, the serverless search and analytics startup that ha Read more…

Apache Arrow Takes ‘Flight’ with Big Data Net

A data transport framework released by the Apache Arrow community aims to alleviate some of the pain associated with accessing large data sets over networks. Apache Arrow Flight is described as a general-purpose, clie Read more…

GraphQL Creators Provide a Tutorial on Teamwork

We tend to focus on the latest and the greatest in big data. Here’s a look back at the origins of a tool designed to embed data with applications, and do so without API developers getting bogged down in the details. Read more…

Acquisition Binge: Salesforce Buys Tableau

Analytics vendors continue to be prime acquisition targets for cloud companies with deep pockets. The latest example is the acquisition of self-service analytics platform specialist Tableau Software by enterprise clou Read more…

Embedded Analytics Sector Consolidates

Embedded analytics specialist Logi Analytics Inc. is acquiring Jinfonet Software, developer of a Java-based architecture used to embed interactive dashboards and reports into web and other enterprise applications. Ter Read more…

Microsoft Extends ML Framework

The latest release of Microsoft’s machine learning framework incorporates a new API intended to help .NET developers train models for improved predictions in uses cases like image classification and speech translation. Read more…

Confluent Adds KSQL Support to Kafka Platform

The latest version of Confluent’s Kafka-based platform incorporates an open source streaming engine for Apache Kafka designed to allow developers using SQL to build real-time, streaming applications. Confluent, the Read more…

‘Internet of Drones’ Adds AI

A startup has come up with a scheme for securely connecting drones to the cloud, effectively making them another cloud-based application and, the startup claims, the first "Internet of Drones" platform. FlytBase Inc., Read more…

Alteryx Tools Aims to Speed Model Deployment

Data analytics vendors continue to push deeper into organizations with tools designed to address the pressing problem of actually getting predictive models deployed into business operations. Among those promoting the Read more…

Qlik Acquires Partner Industrial CodeBox

As more users shift their analytics operations to cloud platforms, larger analytics vendors are eyeing startups providing them with quick access to emerging capabilities that can help plug gaps in their technology portfo Read more…

R Consortium Expands Code to Meet Data Demand

An industry group promoting expanded use of the R programming language for data analysis, modeling and visualization is launching a series of initiatives designed to identify infrastructure projects that would forge stan Read more…

HPE Doubles Down on Analytics, Machine Learning

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (NYSE: HPE) rolled out a new version of its enterprise search and analytics platform with an increased focus on unstructured data. In parallel, it unveiled a new cloud-based new machine learnin Read more…

Mashape Analytics Targets Micro-Services, APIs

As the enterprise market grows for micro-services architectures and associated APIs, a real-time analytics tool is designed to evaluate the performance of APIs and how they function within micro-services. San Francisc Read more…

Wanted: A Plug-In Architecture for Hadoop Development

Hadoop is hard. There's just no way around that. Setting up and running a cluster is hard, and so is developing applications that make sense of, and create value from, big data. What Hadoop really needs now, says former Read more…
