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Tag: autonomous cars

Do We Need to Redefine Ethics for AI?

Artificial Intelligence has two apparent goals that, for now, aren’t mutually exclusive, but only one of them benefits humans long term. Those goals are to either enhance people’s work or to replace people. Recently Read more…

The 5G Data Deluge Has Been Smaller Than Expected

Business leaders expecting a surge of new data from 5G and a rush to adopt all the amazing new applications that go with it may be in for a surprise, as the speedy new mobile network technology so far has failed to deliv Read more…

Gartner Sees AI Democratized in Latest ‘Hype Cycle’

Democratized artificial intelligence is one of five trends driving Gartner's latest Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies, which it updates this month, as it traditionally does during the month of August. The analyst g Read more…

Intel Acquires Car Sensor Specialist Mobileye

Intel Corp. continued its foray into the autonomous vehicle sector this week with the acquisition of computer vision and machine-learning specialist Mobileye for about $15 billion in cash. Betting that autonomous vehi Read more…

Ford Accelerates Driverless Car Effort With Machine Learning

A key component driving the development of driverless cars is machine learning and other artificial intelligence capabilities along with computer vision approaches used for image and signal processing. Ford Motor Co., wh Read more…
