Tag: big compute
Deep Learning: The Confluence of Big Data, Big Models, Big Compute
Fueled by enterprises seeking greater insight from their analytics, deep learning is now seeing widespread adoption. While this artificial intelligence (AI) discipline was first conceived in the late 1950s, the recent ju Read more…
The Transformational Role of the CIO in the New Era of Analytics
Computing is still in its infancy, says Keith Collins, CTO for SAS, who believes that analytics and “big compute” are the new paradigm for the foreseeable future. Datanami spoke with Collins about the shift that is underway and what it means for organizations that are experiencing this evolution. Read more…
Managing MapReduce Applications in a Shared Infrastructure
An organization’s Big Data is key to customer insight and product design superiority. The story about the growth of Big Data enabling the crunching of vast amounts of data has been well covered in the media the past couple of years. Hadoop is positioned as the premier technology solution to help organizations create this insight and product superiority. What is less visible for some is the convergence of Big Compute and Big Data infrastructure. Read more…