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Tag: bottlenecks

What’s Holding Us Back Now? ‘It’s the Data, Stupid’

The good news is the barrier to entry for data science has lowered dramatically in recent years, thanks to better data science software and cloud computing. The bad news is that getting ahead with big data requires--you Read more…

Self-Service Data Mining, Hold the Bottlenecks

Business line analysts are too often stuck in gyrations between the database admins and the database itself, says Platfora CEO, Ben Werther.  The legacy database model will have to be replaced with more efficient processes, argues Werther, who believe his company's scale-out, in-memory solution might be what the data doctor ordered. Read more…

Startup Tackles University Genomics Bottlenecks

This week Appistry, a small company that has been making news this year, announced a new partnership with a university's genomics initiative to extend their capabilities to conduct plant and animal genome research through the use of.... Read more…
