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Tag: Burtch Works

Hiring Outlook Bright for Data and Open Source Pros

While the future is uncertain for many types of jobs, folks in the tech business can rest easy knowing there is substantial demand for their services, particularly for data engineers, which was the focus of a new study f Read more…

Navigating the AI and Analytics Job Market During COVID-19

The market for AI and analytics jobs has not been spared from the wrath of COVID-19, which has directly led to the loss of more than 30 million American jobs over the past four months. It may not appear to be an ideal ti Read more…

Left for Dead, R Surges Again

Don’t look now, but R, which some had written off as a language in terminal decline in lieu of Python’s immense and growing popularity, appears to be staging a furious comeback the likes of which IT has rarely seen. Read more…

Python Eats Into R as SAS Dominance Fades

A new survey of data science tools shows that Python usage is quickly gaining steam among advance analytic professionals, at the expense of both R and SAS. Last month the executive recruiting firm Burtch Works publish Read more…

Big Data Salaries, Job Offers on the Rise

As demand for predictive analytics professionals grows, median base salaries and retention bonuses continue to rise as more companies in more industries jump on the big data bandwagon. According to a salary survey of Read more…
