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Tag: business intelligence

Tableau Automates K-Means Clustering in V10 Refresh

The upcoming release of Tableau 10 will introduce new features aimed at simplifying how customers use advanced analytic functions upon their data, such as a new k-means clustering algorithm that works in drag-and-drop fa Read more…

Amazon Echo, IoT Bulb Enlisted for Data Engagement

Presumably under the category of "bright ideas," a business intelligence specialist is leveraging artificial intelligence and what it calls an "IoT light bulb" as a way to increase analytics engagement and adoption throu Read more…

What Lies Beneath Development

The world is all abuzz talking about big data and using analytics to help improve business results. Ironically, software teams rarely use data to analyze and improve their own processes. Many internal software teams toda Read more…

What the NFL Teaches Us About Business Intelligence

When people think of leaders in business intelligence, the National Football League probably isn’t the first to come to mind. After all, the league just hired its first chief information officer three years ago, and i Read more…

Tumultuous Times for BI and Analytic Tool Vendors

My, what a week it was for business intelligence (BI) and analytic tools. First, industry darling Tableau Software (NYSE: DATA) lost half its market capitalization following earnings that disappointed Wall Street, which Read more…

Tech ‘Democratization’ Seen Fueling Analytics Boom

The "democratization" of analytics illustrated by the transition to self-service business intelligence and foolproof BI platforms promises to boost to global analytics market to new heights in 2016 and beyond, market res Read more…

Blue Cross of Idaho Builds BI Success on a Pyramid

Companies have many options today when it comes to business intelligence applications. When it came time for Blue Cross of Idaho to pick a platform, you may be surprised why it eschewed more popular names in favor of lit Read more…

Numerify Raises $37.5M in Latest Funding Round

Venture capital continues to flow to data analytics and enterprise IT vendors. For example, the latest funding round for cloud-based business intelligence startup Numerify Inc. raked in $37.5 million from existing invest Read more…

BI’s Inflection Point: The New Fast Data Exploration Mandate

Intel (INTC)’s Andy Grove famously wrote and spoke about the difference between ordinary change and a strategic inflection point (SIP) with significant impact to the health and survival of an organization. He defined s Read more…

How Better Data Empowers This Medical Billing Company

MediGain is a Texas-based revenue lifecycle management company serving the medical sector. Several years ago, it employed nearly 20 full-time positions to generate monthly reports for its clients. The process was tedious Read more…

Data Tool Links Business Services Buyers, Sellers

An aptly named business intelligence tool dubbed Blur Data unveiled this week is being pitched as bringing into focus the blur of data encountered when trying to purchase business services. The tool is said to provide a Read more…

CFOs Cling to Excel, ‘Gut’ Instincts

Despite the waterfall of information piling up in corporate databases every business day, a new survey of chief financial officers finds there is actually a "data deficit" when it comes to making decisions based on quick Read more…

Analytics Leaders Target Speed, Context, Functionality

Among the emerging trends in the data analytics business is the desire for faster access to business insights with improved context along with greater functionality in areas like predictive analytics and cognitive intell Read more…

Data as a Service: Where It Works, Where It Still Doesn’t

The latest craze in the business intelligence market today is data as a service (DaaS), i.e. the idea that data or analysis can be sold and ‘served’ to end users on a per-usage basis, with data management, storage an Read more…

Embedded Analytics Goes Mainstream

Embedded analytics, the integration of analytic capabilities within business applications, are becoming more pervasive as software vendors and software-as-a-service providers embrace the approach. According to a new surv Read more…

It’s Time to Think Differently About Mining Big Data

Everywhere we look today, big data is finally beginning to have an impact. Hospitals are using it to analyze patient populations, big pharma is using it to find new and better drugs faster, supply chain managers are sque Read more…

Survey: Big Data is Disrupting Business as Usual

As an American admiral famously said during the Second World War, "I don't know what the hell 'logistics' is…but I want some of it!" The same could be said for the majority of nervous company's in a recent big data Read more…

Making the Business Case for Location Analytics

What role, if any, could locations analytics--defined as the ability to gain insight from the location or geographic component of business data--play in enhancing the value of business intelligence? The answer to the Read more…

We’re All Chefs in the Business Intelligence Kitchen

When I grew up, meatloaf was a feast.  Today, it’s at best “old-school.” Recipes are less frequently “passed down” than they are improved upon, deconstructed or “played on.”  Cooking shows seem to be on e Read more…

Self-Serve BI Demand Up, User Satisfaction Down

Despite a growing consensus among business users about the value of do-it-yourself data analytics, less than a quarter of the respondents to a recent survey said they have the means to use self-service business intellige Read more…
