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Tag: California Consumer Privacy Act

Lines Drawn on New Data Privacy Bills

A second U.S. data privacy bill in as many months targets consumer protections while attempting to beef up enforcement of privacy rights. The Consumer Online Privacy Rights Act would establish a new bureau within the Read more…

CCPA: Business Threat or Opportunity?

In less than two months, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) will go into effect, giving consumers in the state expansive new powers over their data. While the new law isn't entirely nailed down, experts say it wi Read more…

Tools Emerge to Comply with California Data Law

As California prepares to roll out a consumer privacy law regulating how businesses handle customer information, vendors are introducing new compliance tools designed to locate and catalog sensitive data covered under gl Read more…

Data Privacy Day Shines Spotlight on Analytics, Looming Regs

How will you mark Data Privacy Day? There are some people who might take to the streets in protest of data abuses, and they would be justified in doing so. But others will use today's unofficial holiday to highlight a po Read more…
