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CCPA: Business Threat or Opportunity?

In less than two months, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) will go into effect, giving consumers in the state expansive new powers over their data. While the new law isn't entirely nailed down, experts say it wi Read more…

Price Tag for CCPA Compliance: $55B

Data privacy doesn’t come cheap. According to a regulatory assessment released by the state attorney general, the California Consumer Privacy Act will hit businesses with upwards of $55 billion in initial compliance Read more…

Governing Consumer Data to Improve Quality and Enforce Privacy

Consumer data is at the center of today’s digital economy. Arguably, it has become the world’s most valuable resource. Alphabet (Google’s parent company), Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Microsoft are the world’s mos Read more…

Data Privacy Startup Attracts Investors

BigID, the data privacy startup, announced its latest funding round this week as companies scramble to comply with new regulations on handling customer data. The $50 million funding round announced by BigID on Thursd Read more…

Data Regs and Facebook Fines: Dragging Us Toward Better Security

"Be like Facebook." That was the rallying cry in the early days of the big data boom, when companies were striving to monetize as much data as possible, and Facebook was the poster child of a new breed of company. But in Read more…

Data Privacy and Smart Streaming Discovery: Getting Past the Furor

There’s a lot of furor worldwide about all of the data privacy regulations that are either in place, about to go into place, or are being debated as to whether they should go into place.  Just because there are rules Read more…

Does the U.S. Have a Case of GDPR Envy?

Research indicates European citizens are generally happy with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the landmark data privacy law that went into effect a year ago from Saturday. But folks in the United States ha Read more…

Big Data, Big Problems? Responsible Data Management in 2019

If 2018 taught us one thing about data collection, it would be the existence of a distinct and profound line between companies using data for good and those whose business model relies on its exploitation. As Facebook ge Read more…

Okera Bolsters Access Control for Unstructured Data

Some of the most interesting data that's analyzed by organizations is unstructured data, including images, videos, and text files. But the lack of structure of that data poses regulatory challenges to organizations, whic Read more…

Surviving the Coming Data Governance Wave

A data governance wave is building in the United States. If you put your ear to the ground, you can hear it rumbling. It's inevitable that new regulations eventually will emerge that dictate how companies must ensure the Read more…

Tools Emerge to Comply with California Data Law

As California prepares to roll out a consumer privacy law regulating how businesses handle customer information, vendors are introducing new compliance tools designed to locate and catalog sensitive data covered under gl Read more…
