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Tag: chatbots

AI for App Dev: What’s Working, What’s Not

One of the jobs predicted to be impacted the most by AI is application developer. AI models like ChatGPT are expert manipulators of language, after all, so it makes sense that a profession based on languages--computer la Read more…

Europe Moves Forward with AI Regulation

European lawmakers today voted overwhelmingly in favor of the landmark AI regulation known as the EU AI Act. While the act does not yet have the force of law, the lopsided vote indicates it soon will in the European Unio Read more…

Sam Altman Debunks GPT-5 Rumors, Shifts Focus to Improving Existing Models

Those anticipating an eventual GPT-5 release may have a long time to wait. The current trend of developing ever-larger AI models like GPT-4 may soon come to an end, according to OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. “I think we’ Read more…

Microsoft Announces ChatGPT-powered Bing, Google CEO Declares ‘Code Red’

It appears Google is feeling the squeeze as the search engine market seems poised to be disrupted by OpenAI’s ChatGPT. A new report from The Information announced that Microsoft is now working to launch a ChatGPT-power Read more…

Internet Pioneer Vint Cerf on Shakespeare, Chatbots, and Being Human at SC21

Unlike the deep technical dives of many SC keynotes, Internet pioneer Vint Cerf steered clear of the trenches and took leisurely stroll through a range of human-machine interactions, touching on ML’s growing capabiliti Read more…

Unlocking the True Potential of ML: How Self-Supervised Learning in Language Can Beat Human Performance

A core goal for many organizations using artificial intelligence (AI) systems is to have them mirror human language and intelligence. However, mimicking human language and mastering its unique complexities continues to b Read more…

Google’s ‘Breakthrough’ LaMDA Promises to Elevate the Common Chatbot

Many of Google’s language processing efforts – like BERT and, more recently, MUM – are focused on returning search queries. But as Google moves more toward Assistant – and search queries in general become more de Read more…

‘COVID Phobia’ Shifts AI Sentiment

COVID-19 has significantly shifted consumer sentiment towards automation technologies, including robot deliveries and AI-based chatbots used in telemedicine applications. However, a new AI sentiment report also finds the Read more…

Giving Machine Learning Freer Rein to Design Next-Generation Communications Protocols

Protocol engineering is an abstruse but essential art. So much depends on a well-tuned protocol. If engineers build inefficiencies into the conversational framework that computers use to interoperate, those issues afflic Read more…

AI-Powered Bots Gearing Up to Serve You

Get yourself ready for the bot invasion. Powered by artificial intelligence and fueled with big data, bots are gearing up to serve people the data, insights, and services they demand. Bots are not new. Anybody who's i Read more…
