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Tag: convolutional neural network

We’re In the Moneyball 3.0 Era. Here’s What It Means for Live Sports

When Oakland A’s General Manager Billy Beane adopted Sabermetrics with his 2002 and 2003 teams, he popularized what became known as the Moneyball 1.0 era. Eighteen years later, we’re firmly on the cusp of Moneyball 3 Read more…

Deci Shows a NAC for Automated Neural Net Construction

Deep learning researchers have been dancing around a looming performance wall in recent months, as huge neural networks push the limits in terms of computation and power consumption. But now a company called Deci says it Read more…

Weighing the Impact of a Facial Recognition Ban

Should facial recognition technology be banned? That question is getting renewed interest in the wake of revelations about Clearview AI’s use and potential abuse of the technology. But the debate over banning facial re Read more…
