Tag: coronavirus
Deep Learning Targets Drug Combos for COVID-19
Using computational biology to identify individual therapeutics that might prove effective in the fight against COVID-19 is already a daunting task, with billions of candidate molecules. Throw drug combinations into the Read more…
At a National Laboratory, AI Tackles Misinformation & More
In a world that is slowly recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and a country that is slowly recovering from the 2020 election, misinformation is an increasingly urgent topic, with issues like vaccination and election in Read more…
Facts Can Change, and AI Can Help
As understanding of an issue evolves, the best set of available facts often changes: for instance, mask-wearing wasn’t recommended early in the COVID-19 pandemic, but now, it’s common knowledge that mask-wearing is h Read more…
How Stanford’s COVID Analytics Helped It Navigate the Pandemic
Around this time last year, everyone and their brother was launching a dashboard for COVID analytics. Most of these were quite similar to one another: basic COVID data pulled from a handful of primary sources and parsed Read more…
Machine Learning for COVID Diagnosis Falls Short
In the earliest days of the pandemic, machine learning showed exceptional promise for COVID-19 diagnosis. Reliably, early machine learning models outperformed doctors in recognizing the telltale COVID-induced pneumonia o Read more…
MIT Analytics Reveal How Anti-Maskers Leverage Data Visualization
You’ve probably seen them: the Facebook posts from a relative or a friend of a friend claiming that if you look at the numbers, the pandemic isn’t a big deal, masks don’t work – that kind of thing. Usually, there Read more…
DataRobot Introduces AI-Powered Anti-Pandemic Initiative ‘ContagionNET’
COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations are plummeting, vaccinations are ramping up, and by all appearances, the pandemic generally appears to be waning after a horrifying year. That has a lot of researchers asking a scary q Read more…
COVID Data Report Card: Mixed Results for Public Health
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the importance of “following the data” has been emphasized repeatedly, and for good reason: It provides the best chances for us to minimize the harm caused by COVID-19. However, w Read more…
USC’s AI Framework Pushes Back Against COVID-19 Variants
Just when vaccines were approved and began to be distributed, COVID-19’s first troubling variants started to rear their ugly heads. The variants, particularly those from South Africa and the United Kingdom, possess tro Read more…
Using Genetic Grammar, MIT NLP Model Examines How Viruses Escape
As the COVID-19 pandemic crosses the one-year mark, its various mutations are increasingly dominating headlines. Part of this is due to some variants’ increased infectiousness, but much of it also stems from an underly Read more…
AI-Powered, Wearable-Enabled COVID-19 Screening Solution Begins Validation
Despite millions of tests per day, the United States remains mired in the darkest phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, with thousands of daily deaths and rising case numbers. One heavy-hitter contributor to this crisis is COV Read more…
Johns Hopkins Launches COVID-19 Mortality Calculator, Aims to Inform Vaccine Prioritization
The first COVID-19 vaccine doses are going out in the United States, predominantly to frontline healthcare workers. Unfortunately, the vaccines are currently extremely limited, meaning that state governments are having t Read more…
European Space Agency Uses AI, Satellites to Monitor Pandemic Air Traffic
Satellite imagery provides exceptional coverage of often difficult-to-monitor phenomena. However, the sheer quantity of the data and the low resolution of many specific objects makes it difficult to analyze satellite dat Read more…
MIT Machine Learning Reveals COVID-19 Vaccines May Be Less Effective for Racial Minorities
The last month has been filled with incredible news on COVID-19 vaccines following an astonishing, year-long global effort that has shattered records for vaccine development. Three companies – Pfizer, Moderna, and Astr Read more…
Googlers Speak Out on the Scourge of ML Underspecification
A few days ago, 40 authors (all but a handful hailing from Google) published a 59-page paper. The topic at hand: why so many machine learning models, borne out by internal testing, proceed to then fail spectacularly in r Read more…
How Data Can Help Optimize COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution
We are just weeks away from the first COVID-19 vaccinations being administered to individuals, a remarkable feat of biochemistry and drug development. But with only 40 million doses expected to be available in the United Read more…
New Algorithm Aims to Optimize Vaccine Distribution
In the last several weeks, Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca have each announced that their vaccines are capable of achieving high efficacy. Pending approval, the first millions of vaccine doses are expected before the end Read more…
Stanford COVID-19 Model Identifies Superspreader Sites, Socioeconomic Disparities
The COVID-19 pandemic is once again surging to unprecedented levels in the U.S., and all signs point to a grim winter punctuated by the return of many curfews and shutdowns. The conversation now focuses on how much of th Read more…
AI Model Detects Asymptomatic COVID-19 from a Cough 100% of the Time
As early as December 2019, AI systems were warning policy-makers about the coronavirus. As the pandemic gained a foothold and began to spread across the world, AI found a number of other applications in the fight against Read more…
New Report Highlights AI’s Role in Businesses’ Pandemic Resilience
During the pandemic, businesses have scrambled to avoid large layoffs and cutbacks by seizing any opportunity to shore up lost revenue from the world’s quieted economies. Now, analytics firm RELX has released its third Read more…