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Tag: cto

The True Cost of IT Ops, The Added Value of AIOps

Today’s IT landscape is complex, hybrid, and fast-moving, and the adoption of multi-cloud infrastructure, applications, and new digital transformation initiatives is accelerating. IT operations teams, playing a vital r Read more…

SAS Sticks Stats to Metal with HDFS

Last week we sat down the with CTO of SAS, Keith Collins and the lead architect behind the company's High Performance Analytics Servers to discuss the integration of parallelization capabilities via HDFS before unraveling some larger trends in analytics, which are being shaped by innovations in multi-core, big memory hardware approaches like... Read more…

TIBCO CTO Flashes R&D Future for Fast Data

This week we spent quality time with software giant TIBCO's CTO, Matt Quinn to discuss what the future of big data research and development looks like--and what trends are on the horizon in the post-Hadoop ecosystem. From network and switch tweaks to getting a handle on... Read more…

University Report Unravels Big Data for CIOs

The University of Oregon’s Robert Prehm (also a software developer for Zoom Software Solutions) published a report called “What CIOs and CTOs Need to Know about Big Data and Data-Intensive Computing.” As stated in the title, the report is aimed at Chief Information and Technology Officers who are looking for answers as to how to move forward in the world of bigger data... Read more…

SC11 Video Feature: Garth Gibson on RAID, Roots and Reliability

In this video feature, we sit down with Garth Gibson, co-founder and CTO of high performance storage company, Panasas. During our chat we touch on the roots of his company, explore the way file systems have evolved to meet new demands, and wrap up with a section on big data and the storage demands behind it. Read more…
