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Tag: data discovery

BigID Introduces Industry-First Hybrid Scanning for Cloud Native Workloads

In the era where organizations are looking to accelerate their migration to cloud infrastructure, a new technology advancement for cloud-native workloads has emerged - hybrid scanning. BigID, a data discovery and inte Read more…

The Five Biggest Threats to Data Democratization

Data democratization is a top priority for many enterprises. When employees have easy access to data, they can make decisions quicker, collaborate better, and gain important insights. Companies around the world are comin Read more…

What’s the Big IDea? A Single Platform for Privacy, Security, and Governance

Companies today are struggling to manage their sprawling data estates, and to minimize the risks that they pose. Vendors are furiously building tools to help ease that pain. But the disconnected nature of point-tool deve Read more…

AI-Powered Data Protection Firm Gets $12M in Funding

Dathena, a Singapore-based company that uses AI techniques to detect and secure its clients’ sensitive data, has closed a $12 million Series A round, the company announced yesterday. Dathena’s roots stretch back t Read more…

BigID Looks to Cement Position in Data Discovery

BigID today announced another $50 million round of financing, bringing its two-year funding total to an impressive $144 million. With that capital in hand and new data privacy regulations like CCPA in play, BigID is prep Read more…

Data Privacy Startup Attracts Investors

BigID, the data privacy startup, announced its latest funding round this week as companies scramble to comply with new regulations on handling customer data. The $50 million funding round announced by BigID on Thursd Read more…

Data Privacy and Smart Streaming Discovery: Getting Past the Furor

There’s a lot of furor worldwide about all of the data privacy regulations that are either in place, about to go into place, or are being debated as to whether they should go into place.  Just because there are rules Read more…

ML Powers Discovery In GE’s 500 PB Lake

Like most Fortune 50 firms, General Electric relies on an abundance of computer systems to power its enterprise. And like most firms that size, synching up and aligning the data emitted by different systems is a major ch Read more…

Dude, Where’s My Database? And Other GDPR Questions

Is your organization ready for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which goes into effect in exactly one month? If you're like most organizations, you still have a lot of work to do over the next 30 days – e Read more…

Blowing Up Silos In a Big Data World

A startup named is embarking upon a grand experiment to build a collaborative data platform that links together data, people, and their analytic tools. By eradicating data silos and building a social community Read more…

Alteryx Repositions for Analytic Tool Consolidation

Alteryx is best known for developing data preparation and blending tools. That's its historical position of strength in the market. But the vendor aims to change that in the future as it builds its platform and widens it Read more…

IBM Watson Targets ‘Self-Serve’ Analytics

In another attempt to extend its cognitive computing model beyond IT administrators to business users, IBM said it is expanding it Watson Analytics platform to include data discovery models along with natural language pr Read more…
