Tag: data engineer
Kaskada Accelerates ML Workflow with Its Feature Store
There’s a lot of surface area in the typical data science workflow for the purveyors of automation to attack. What moves the needle for the folks at the startup Kaskada is the feature engineering and deployment stage, Read more…
2019: A Big Data Year in Review – Part One
At the beginning of the year, we set out 10 big data trends to watch in 2019. We correctly called some of what unfolded, including a renewed focus on data management and continued rise of Kubernetes (that wasn’t hard t Read more…
Don’t Overlook the Importance of Data Stewards
Data scientists may be the rock stars of big data, and data engineers currently are in high demand. But companies that are serious about creating a winning data strategy should carefully consider what a well-trained data Read more…
‘Data Scientist’ Title Evolving Into New Thing
Who is a data scientist, and what do they do? It's a worthy question, and one that's been asked an untold number of times over the years. But now it appears the job definition of the data scientist is changing into somet Read more…
From Big Beer to Big Data: Inside AB InBev’s Digital Transformation
With more than 500 beer brands and $55 billion in sales, Anheuser-Busch InBev is already the world's biggest beer company. And if all goes as planned with its digital transformation project, it will be the best beer comp Read more…
A Decade Later, Apache Spark Still Going Strong
Don't look now but Apache Spark is about to turn 10 years old. The open source project began quietly at UC Berkeley in 2009 before emerging as an open source project in 2010. For the past five years, Spark has been on an Read more…
Data Engineering Continues to Move the Employment Needle
Interested in a career in big data? You could do well by investing your time and effort in acquiring data science skills. But you may do even better by turning yourself into a data engineer, which is a title that continu Read more…
How To Build a Data Science Team Now
Business execs who are leading their companies down the data science track may be dismayed by the difficulty and expense of hiring a data scientist, the so-called "unicorns" who command quarter-million-dollar salaries. B Read more…
Why 2018 Will Be The Year Of The Data Engineer
The shortage of data scientists – those triple-threat types who possess advanced statistics, business, and coding skills – has been well-documented over the years. But increasingly, businesses are facing a shortage o Read more…
Why 2018 Will Be All About the Data
Since big data roared onto the public stage in 2012, we've seen an accelerating pace of technological progress and prowess. Along with it, tech trends have come and gone. Once a rising star, Hadoop is now settling into a Read more…
Why Big Data and Data Scientists Are Overrated
What does it take to get value out of data? Many organizations assume that you need a big collection of data and a highly skilled data scientist to spin all those 1s and 0s into dollar signs. In reality, companies need n Read more…
Data Engineers in Hot Demand
The big data community has been dealing with the data scientist shortage ever since big data became a thing. Now we're learning that there's possibly an even bigger shortage of another type of data professional: the data Read more…
Rise of the Big Data Engineer
Over the past three years, businesses have scrambled to hire data scientists who can spin big data into gold. But it turns out the person best equipped to get data analytics applications into production may be a good dat Read more…