Tag: data
Data Integrity a Major Concern, Precisely Says
Companies are facing considerable headwinds when it comes to their analytics and AI strategies, particularly when it comes to the data, according to Precisely’s new report, titled “Data Integrity Trends: Chief Data O Read more…
Alation Adds $110M to Its Catalog
Alation, the company that put the data catalog on the map, today announced the completion of a Series D round of funding worth $110 million. The influx of cash coincides with a $1.2 billion valuation, and gives the unico Read more…
Aerospike Turbocharges Spark ML Training with Pushdown Processing
Companies that need to access a lot of data in a hurry, such as retraining a machine learning model in Spark, have traditionally had to move that data from the edge to a central repository, such as a cloud data lake. But Read more…
COVID Data Report Card: Mixed Results for Public Health
Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, the importance of “following the data” has been emphasized repeatedly, and for good reason: It provides the best chances for us to minimize the harm caused by COVID-19. However, w Read more…
How to Build Trust With Your Users and Provide Clear Value for Their Data
In the digital age, data has become its own commodity. Customers are more than familiar with mandatory fields asking for their email, home address, and phone number. The problem, however, is that they're increasingly con Read more…
Why Object Storage Is the Answer to AI’s Biggest Challenge
The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored just how critical it is to be able to quickly analyze and interpret data — and the invaluable role that artificial intelligence and machine learning play in savvy decision-making. Read more…
Peering Into the Crystal Ball of Advanced Analytics
The world of advanced analytics was evolving quickly at the end of 2020. And according to our panel of experts who volunteered predictions on the topic, the accelerated pace of change in advanced data analytics will cont Read more…
Diversity in Data Analytics
Throughout the course of 2020 Altair has been running a series of panel discussions about data science and advanced analytics. We have been joined by leading data analysts from renowned companies such as Goldman Sachs, Read more…
Three Privacy Enhancing Techniques That Can Bolster the COVID-19 Response
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us two things: The critical importance of healthcare data in fighting the spread of the disease, and our documented inability to harness it in a timely manner. And while it’s true that s Read more…
AI Called on to Mine Massive Coronavirus Dataset, CORD-19
Working with a coalition of government, academic, and industry leaders, the White House this week released COVID-19 Open Research Data (CORD-19), a massive collection of 29,000 scholarly articles about the ongoing corona Read more…
The Privacy Trade-off for Discounts this Holiday Season
With the holiday season upon us, shopping and deal-hunting are on the minds of millions of Americans. Even before Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, retailers and consumers were engaging in a dan Read more…
How to Manage Your Data When Expecting Brexit
The implications of a possible Brexit on privacy and compliance-related statutes, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Privacy Shield, and the Data Protection Act of 2018 (DPA) are vast. These regulatio Read more…
Before Strategizing, Conduct an AI Audit
Studies forecast that AI will boost profitability by an average of 38% by the year 2035. If an AI program interpreted this data, the result would be conclusive: Artificial intelligence is quickly becoming one of the econ Read more…
Data Gone Wild: Rampant Growth and Clouds Heighten Risk
Data may be the new oil, serving as the digital feedstock for innumerable downstream products. But like oil, data also carries risks for those attempting to harness it. Could a Deepwater Horizon-style event be lurking in Read more…
Disruptive Economics and Democratization of Data
It seems like only a few years ago that managing data growth was a high-priority objective for most users. What happened? The short answer is the same thing that happened to oil. Data is the new oil. Before we learned Read more…
Capital One Hack Highlights Poor Data Security Practices
A former AWS employee has been accused of accessing Capital One's misconfigured S3 storage buckets and copying the data of about 100 million Americans and 6 million Canadians to GitHub in the country's latest massive dat Read more…
Big Data and AI Converge in Map to Protect Biodiversity
What's living where? Those are the basic pieces of data that biologists and conservationists are hoping to collect and load into the Map of Biodiversity Importance, a dynamic new map unveiled this week at the Esri User C Read more…
Great Cloud Migration Opens Data Opportunities
We're in the midst of a massive cloud migration at the moment, as companies look to take advantage of the scalability and simplicity of storing and processing data in the cloud. But connecting the dots between on-premise Read more…
Only Intelligent Data Can Power Artificial Intelligence
Our rapidly growing mastery of artificial intelligence has the potential to address society’s thorniest problems. But time and again, AI-powered projects have failed the test of fairness as algorithms have amplified th Read more…