Tag: deloitte
Reality Check for GenAI: Deloitte Finds Enthusiasm Tempered by Adoption Hurdles
A new report by Deloitte reveals that while investment in GenAI is increasing, the clock is ticking to scale and create sustained value. Promising pilots have led to higher investments and rising expectations, however, i Read more…
Five Ways to Drive ROI with AI
AI is often touted as the way of the future for enterprises in all industries – but ensuring that the return on investment (ROI) from an AI implementation actually comes to fruition can often be a trickier thing. A gro Read more…
Big Data Spreading Everywhere Like Air, Deloitte Says
For some, the downward trend of the term "big data" on Web word counters and disappearance off hype curves is an indication that the phenomenon has past, that big data is now neither a problem to be solved nor an opportu Read more…
How Deloitte Transforms Clients into Insight-Driven Organizations
Underneath the hype surrounding big data is a common theme that runs across organizations. We all want to data to drive innovation--that is, we want to become insight-driven organizations. While the destination is clear, Read more…