Tag: Digital Reasoning
IoT Seen Driving AI Adoption
While hardware vendors view it as another vehicle for selling more chips and servers that would allow enterprises to move processing power closer to data, the torrent of sensor and other information the Internet of Thing Read more…
Visualizing Big Data’s Key Partner
Visualization is vital to managing big data. The proper charts, graphs, and other representations of large datasets can let business users see trends they would not know existed otherwise. And after having a busy week at Hadoop World, Tableau appears to be on the forefront of the big data visualization market. Read more…
Using AI to Combat Terrorism
As companies like Digital Reasoning have emphasized in their work with homeland security, understanding how essential data can be difficult to track down without advanced analytics is much more common today as opposed to 10 years ago (before Hadoop... Read more…
Digital Reasoning Refreshes Text Analytics
Entity-oriented analytics software company Digital Reasoning, has had a foot in the federal door since its founding, but with a fresh round of Series B funding, is looking to take its big data analytics platform deeper into the enterprise. Read more…