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Tag: Domino Data Labs

Domino Fall 2023 Release Expands Platform to Fast-Track and Future-Proof All AI

Generative AI (GenAI) has sparked tremendous interest in the business world. According to Gartner, more than 80 percent of enterprises will have used GenAI APIs or deployed GenAI-based applications by 2026. This is up fr Read more…

Staying On Top of ML Model and Data Drift

A lot of things can go wrong when developing machine learning models. You can use poor quality data, mistake correlation for causation, or overfit your model to the training data, just to name a few. But there are also a Read more…

Q&A with Domino Data Lab’s CEO

The field of data science is fairly young and evolving extremely rapidly. Finding people who can harness the tornado of big data tech is a major challenge. One of the up and coming vendors who are making data science mor Read more…

How Mashable Seeds Journalism with Data Science

In journalism, researching what to write about often takes more time and effort than actually writing. But the online news site Mashable has found a way to accelerate the editorial process using a judicious application o Read more…
