Tag: Don Chamberlin
AWS Debuts PartiQL for Query Agnosticism
Amazon Web Services last week debuted partiQL, a new query language that's agnostic to the type of database, format, or model that the underlying data is stored in. The language, which is based on SQL++, can be used to q Read more…
How SQL++ Makes JSON More Queryable
For more than 40 years, SQL has provided a standard way to query structured data. However, much of the data being generated and stored today exists in semi-structured formats, like JSON, which doesn't "speak SQL." But no Read more…
What SQL’s Co-Creator Sees in NoSQL
As the co-creator of Structured Query Language (SQL), Don Chamberlin knows a thing or two about pulling data out of relational databases. So when he spoke at the user conference for NoSQL database vendor Couchbase last w Read more…