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Tag: Driverless AI

Supply Chain and Logistics Considerations During and After COVID-19

The inability to congregate in groups, along with factories being shut down, retail stores being closed, increased demands for certain items, and business models shifting and changing, are creating profound impacts o Read more…

Detecting Money Laundering Networks Using H2O Driverless AI

Artificial Intelligence has evolved from being a buzz word to a reality today. It is making a positive impact on several industries, and the financial sector hasn’t been left untouched. The financial services industry Read more… Tops Off Funding to Accelerate AI Adoption

Every company should become an AI company, according to Sri Ambati, the founder and CEO of With $72.5 million in additional funding announced today and a new release of its autoML solution, Driverless AI, Ambati Read more…

H2O Users Share Data Science Stories

When it comes to analytics tools, data scientists have a plethora of options available to them. Features that may appeal to one data scientist don't necessarily work for another. When it comes to offerings from, u Read more…

Investors Accelerating Driverless Car Development

Optimus Ride, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology AI spinoff developing fully autonomous vehicles, continues to attract venture funding as it applies machine learning, computer vision and mapping techniques to the pr Read more…

H2O Ups AI Ante Via Nvidia GPU Integration, the machine-learning specialist that unveiled its "Driverless AI" platform this past summer, is upgrading the system via integration with GPU specialist Nvidia's AI development system. The Mountain View, Calif Read more…
