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Tag: drug discovery

Key Questions to Ask of Your Scientific Data Platform for Single Cell Analysis

The idea of precision medicine – delivering the right drug treatment to the right patient at the right time and at the right dose – underpins current thinking in pharma R&D. And, led by innovators in "big pharma, Read more…

AI-Powered Drug Development in a Post-COVID World

The developed world is on the cusp of turning the corner in the fight against COVID-19 thanks to the unprecedented effort to rapidly develop and distribute effective vaccines. Now technologists are hoping to take drug de Read more…

TigerGraph Offers Free Graph Database for On-Prem Analysis

TigerGraph today rolled out a new deal that allows customers to store up to 50 GB of data in a distributed graph database running on-premise, matching what it already offered in the cloud. The company also welcomed more Read more…

Investors Flock to AI-based Drug Discovery

The application of convolutional neural network technology continues to expand beyond machine vision use cases to the red-hot drug discovery market. The application of AI to new drug development has moved in fits and Read more…

IBM’s Watson Retreat Highlights AI Shortcomings

Amid reports of declining sales and growing skepticism about the utility of machine learning for complex medical research, IBM will reportedly end sales of its Watson AI software used by pharmaceutical firms for new drug Read more…

Drug Discovery Partnership Focuses on Deep Learning

Deep learning approaches continue to make inroads in medical applications such as drug discovery. Those AI applications are, in turn, creating partnerships among researchers seeking to accelerate medicinal breakthroughs. Read more…

Intel Adds Memory to Deep Learning for Drug Discovery

A drug discovery technique called “high content” screening analyzes data in microscopic images used to determine the effects of genetic and chemical treatments on cell cultures. However, the processing-intensive anal Read more…

Drug Developer Wraps Anaconda Around Gene Data

An open source data visualization framework running on the Anaconda data science platform will be used by a drug discovery company focusing on cures for rare genetic diseases. Continuum Analytics, developer of the Bok Read more…

How a Facebook-Like Graph Powers Drug Discovery

Researchers have long sought to identify the key proteins involved in the development of diseases like cancer. However, the time and effort required to check each combination of proteins can be daunting. But thanks to th Read more…

Biotech Gets a Boost With New UK Big Data Institute

Big data in biotech got a big boost this month when a partnership between the UK government and Chinese philanthropist Li Ka-Shing converged to drop £30 million on the University of Oxford to fund the creation of the Big Data Institute at the Li Ka Shing Center for Health Information and Discovery. Read more…
