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Tag: education

Closing the GenAI Skills Gap

We’re at an interesting moment in the generative AI adoption curve. Companies clearly want workers who are skilled in GenAI. However, they are not yet actively training workers in GenAI in large numbers. That is someth Read more…

Bill Gates Says the Age of AI Has Begun, Bringing Opportunity and Responsibility

The latter half of March has been a whirlwind moment for artificial intelligence. OpenAI released GPT-4 last week, and this week, Nvidia announced a new cloud services platform for generative AI while Google initiated th Read more…

Upskilling Platform CoRise Launches with $8.5M Seed

A new online upskilling platform called CoRise has just been launched from stealth with $8.5 million in seed funding. The CoRise platform contains live online courses and an online community for businesses and individ Read more…

PowerSchool Launches K-12 Education Cloud Platform with Snowflake

As students head back to classrooms this month, some may find their education data is being managed differently with better education outcomes in mind. PowerSchool, the provider of a cloud-based software platform for K-1 Read more…

Nvidia Opens the Door to Deep Learning Workshops

Good news for folks looking to learn about the latest AI development techniques: Nvidia is now allowing the general public to access the online workshops it provides through its Deep Learning Institute (DLI). The GPU Read more…

Why Data Science Is Still a Top Job

This year, for the first time since 2016, data scientist is not the number one job in America, according to Glassdoor’s annual ranking. While the shine may be wearing off the unicorn a bit, data science is still a grea Read more…

More Free Software Offered in Response to COVID-19

Organizations researching treatments for the novel coronavirus have an abundance of software and services at their disposal, including a range of additional offerings that analytics vendors are offering for free. But gro Read more…

New Open Source App: Data Science Education

The principles underpinning open source software development that are transforming the digital economy are now being extended to new sectors such as education, where proponents hope to leverage the collaborative approach Read more…

It Takes a (Data Science) Village: How GRMDS Fosters an Open Ecosystem

Openness is one of the hallmarks of modern data science – openness of data, of code, and of methods. By sharing our successes and failures with others, we raise our collective intelligence level beyond what we could ea Read more…

IBM and The Open Group’s Data Scientist Certification Has Its First Recipients

Earlier this year, IBM announced plans for a collaboration with The Open Group to develop a “first-of-a-kind” internal program for accrediting data scientists. The program was presented as IBM’s response to a troub Read more…

Skills Are Critical in Data Science Job Hunt

Those planning a career in data science have a healthy job outlook, as demand for data scientists continues to grow. While an advanced data science degree can definitely help, it's becoming increasingly apparent that hav Read more…

USF Launches Data Ethics Center

Ethical AI remains a high priority as developers pause to consider the implications of the automation tools they are creating. A more granular approach is being taken by the University of San Francisco’s Data Institute Read more…

Universities Get Creative with Data Science Education

Good luck getting into Professor Yoav Freund's big data analytics and Spark class at the University of California, San Diego this fall. "There's always a very long waiting list to get in," he says. But thanks to a new pa Read more…

Continuing Your Data Science Education

"What do you want to be when you grow up?" It's a question kids around the world are asked a million times a day. Until a few years ago, the odds are good that none of them answered "I want to be a data scientist." How, Read more…

Universities Roll Out New Data Science Programs

College grads looking to take the next step in their data science careers will have several new graduate-level data science programs to enroll in this fall, including a new Master's of Applied Data Science at Syracuse Un Read more…

Cisco Aims to Shrink Big Data Skills Gap

Cisco Systems today introduced new educational offerings aimed at narrowing the looming skills gap in the areas of data analytics and digital transformation. In particular, the new analytics program is designed to help C Read more…

Data Science Education Evolves to Meet Surging Demand

Here's some good news for young data science professionals looking for that first job: your skills are in high demand and will help you land a job with an average starting salary close to $120,000. But there's also some Read more…

KPMG to Fund Data-Focused Auditing Courses

The drive to close the data science skills gap continues to gain momentum, the latest effort bringing together corporate sponsor KPMG and two leading U.S. universities to create a new graduate degree program in data scie Read more…

Finding the Right Path for Your Data Science Education

When it comes to learning data science, there's no shortage of options available. You can pick up a book, read articles on the Web, or participate in a massively open online course (MOOC). Or, if you desire a more struct Read more…

A Practical, Hands-On Approach to Machine Learning Education

If you enroll in a university-level data science program, you'll likely spend months learning machine learning theory and how to code them. But you won't necessarily see how they relate to real-world problems. That's wha Read more…
