Tag: errors
Python Now a First-Class Language on Spark, Databricks Says
The Apache Spark community has improved support for Python to such a great degree over the past few years that Python is now a “first-class” language, and no longer a "clunky" add-on as it once was, Databricks co-fou Read more…
How the Lack of Good Data Is Hampering the COVID-19 Response
We don’t have perfect data on COVID-19. That much is painfully obvious. But is the data we have good enough to make sound decisions? That’s the question that many people are asking as political leaders consider lifti Read more…
Trump Victory: How Did the National Polls Get It So Wrong?
As Donald Trump celebrates his stunning victory in last night's presidential election, professional pollsters are waking up and asking themselves: How did we get it so wrong? Nearly all the national polls showed Hilla Read more…