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Tag: EU AI Act

Collibra Bolsters Position in Fast-Moving AI Governance Field

As the market for AI governance begins to heat up and take shape, vendors have started to jostle for position. One of those vendors is Collibra, which is eager to build on its success in data governance and stake out a c Read more…

Trump Rescinds Biden’s AI Order, Announces $500B Investment in AI Infrastructure

President Donald Trump signed a flurry of executive orders during his first day in office, including one that rescinded his predecessor’s order addressing AI risk. The new president indicated he viewed the old order as Read more…

Collibra Survey: US Tech Executives Don’t Trust U.S. Government Approach to AI Regulation

A survey by Collibra, a data intelligence company, has revealed that an overwhelming majority (84%) of tech executives support an overhaul of US copyright laws to protect against AI.  The survey, conducted online by Read more…

Five Questions as the EU AI Act Goes Into Effect

The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act went into effect on August 1, becoming one of the first laws to implement broad regulation of AI applications. While all elements of the law are not yet being enforced, Read more…

Making the Leap From Data Governance to AI Governance

The topic of data governance is one that’s been well-trod, even if not all companies follow the widely accepted precepts of the discipline. Where things are getting a little hairy these days is AI governance, which is Read more…

AI Regs a Moving Target in the US, But Keep an Eye on Europe

If you’re trying to pin down the rules and regulations for artificial intelligence in the United States, good luck. They’re evolving quickly at the moment, which makes them a moving target for American businesses tha Read more…

European Policymakers Approve Rules for AI Act

The European Union’s AI Act took a big step toward becoming law today when policymakers successfully hammered out rules for the landmark regulation. The AI Act still requires votes from Parliament and the European Coun Read more…

AI Ethics Issues Will Not Go Away

Executives are right to be concerned about the accuracy of the AI models they put into production and tamping down on hallucinating ML models. But they should be spending as much time, if not more, addressing questions o Read more…

Regs Needed for High-Risk AI, ACM Says–‘It’s the Wild West’

The probability of AI going off the rails and hurting people has increased considerably thanks to the explosion in use of generative AI technologies, such as ChatGPT. That, in turn, is making it necessary to regulate cer Read more…

Europe Moves Forward with AI Regulation

European lawmakers today voted overwhelmingly in favor of the landmark AI regulation known as the EU AI Act. While the act does not yet have the force of law, the lopsided vote indicates it soon will in the European Unio Read more…

Self-Regulation Is the Standard in AI, for Now

Are you worried that AI is moving too fast and may have negative consequences? Do you wish there was a national law to regulate it? Well, that’s a club with a fast-growing list of members. Unfortunately, if you reside Read more…

NIST Puts AI Risk Management on the Map with New Framework

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) today published the AI Risk Management Framework, document intended to help organizations voluntarily develop and deploy AI systems without bias and other negativ Read more…

Europe’s New AI Act Puts Ethics In the Spotlight

AI ethics issues such as bias, transparency, and explainability are gaining new importance as the European Union marches towards implementation of the AI Act, which would effectively regulate the use of AI and machine le Read more…

Europe’s AI Act Would Regulate Tech Globally

The Artificial Intelligence Act was introduced to the European Union in April 2021, and is rapidly progressing through comment periods and rewrites. When it goes into effect, which experts say could occur at the beginnin Read more…
