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Tag: Florian Douetteau

Altman’s Suggestion for AI Licenses Draws Mixed Response

The US should consider creating a new regulatory body to oversee the licensing and use of AI “above a certain threshold,” OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said in Congressional testimony yesterday. His recommendation was met wi Read more…

Dataiku Nabs $400 Million in Quest to Democratize AI

Data science platform maker Dataiku announced today that it has reeled in $400 million in venture capital, giving it nearly $647 million in funding since it was founded in 2012, and a market capitalization of $4.6 billio Read more…

AI: It’s Not Just For the Big FAANG Dogs Anymore

It’s been said that AI has a 1% problem, that only the biggest tech firms—the Facebooks, Amazons, Apples, Netflixes, and Googles, or FAANGs, of the world--have the resources required to pull it off.  But thanks to t Read more…

Dataiku’s Collaborative AI Platform Attracts New Investors

Dataiku, the enterprise AI platform vendor, again made the case this week its collaborative approach to data science is gaining enterprise adherents, announcing a $100 million funding round. The Series D funding round Read more…
