Tag: governance
He Couldn’t Beat Teradata. Now He’s Its CEO
When Steve McMillan worked in IBM Global Services, he oversaw the outsourcing of nearly every major piece of a large global financial services firm’s IT stack with Big Blue products. But there was one component that he Read more…
Governance, Privacy, and Ethics at the Forefront of Data in 2021
As we continue to gear up 2021, it’s hard to envision the topics of data governance, privacy, and ethics not becoming more pressing topics for companies. While the rewards of using data are great, so too are the risks Read more…
Peering Into the Crystal Ball of Advanced Analytics
The world of advanced analytics was evolving quickly at the end of 2020. And according to our panel of experts who volunteered predictions on the topic, the accelerated pace of change in advanced data analytics will cont Read more…
Tips to Avoid Compliance Complications When Migrating to the Cloud
Moving data to the cloud is a major project requiring a significant amount of effort to evaluate the plethora of options available. Which systems to migrate, which team’s data should be prioritized, and which cloud ser Read more…
AI Governance Rises to the Top of the Stack
Artificial intelligence (AI) is running amok, or so that’s the general perception these days. AI governance is important because the stakes are so high for getting AI right and consequences so dire if we screw it up. Read more…
Zaloni Pivots to DataOps
Zaloni once was focused on helping customers to manage data in Hadoop. But under new CEO Susan Cook, the company has broadened its scope and is now aiming to help customers manage the entire supply chain of data, or what Read more…
Data Privacy Day: Putting Good (and Bad) Practices in the Spotlight
Thanks to the rapid digitization of work and play, Americans are more sensitive to businesses’ data practices than ever before. With today’s arrival of Data Privacy Day, businesses around the world are sharing though Read more…
It’s Time for MLOps Standards, Cloudera Says
Just as operational standards have been established for data management via DataOps, the industry needs to create open standards for machine learning operations, or MLOps, according to Cloudera, which today unveiled a ca Read more…
Back to Basics: Governance, Quality, Security Grab the Spotlight at Strata Data Conference
The Wild West days of big data may not be totally gone, but it sort of felt that way this week on the Strata Data Conference's Expo floor. Yes, there were vendors hawking the latest machine learning technology, but there Read more…
What to Expect at Strata This Week
We knew that big data was also fast. But what we didn't fully grasp perhaps was just how fast the technology changes. This week's Strata Data Conference is setting up to be a prime example of the punctuated equilibrium w Read more…
Data Regs and Facebook Fines: Dragging Us Toward Better Security
"Be like Facebook." That was the rallying cry in the early days of the big data boom, when companies were striving to monetize as much data as possible, and Facebook was the poster child of a new breed of company. But in Read more…
Only Intelligent Data Can Power Artificial Intelligence
Our rapidly growing mastery of artificial intelligence has the potential to address society’s thorniest problems. But time and again, AI-powered projects have failed the test of fairness as algorithms have amplified th Read more…
In 2019, Disorderly Is the New Orderly
With spring right around the corner, what is more satisfying than a good ‘spring cleaning’? The launch of Marie Kondo’s series, Tidying Up with Marie Kondo, on Netflix this past January has fueled a mass-movem Read more…
Okera Bolsters Access Control for Unstructured Data
Some of the most interesting data that's analyzed by organizations is unstructured data, including images, videos, and text files. But the lack of structure of that data poses regulatory challenges to organizations, whic Read more…
Driving Business Transformation through Data Governance Strategies
The CIO's traditional role of overseeing an enterprise's technology strategy and procurement is no longer straightforward. As the business world moves to a more decentralized technology model and shadow IT runs rampant, Read more…
Data Management Falls Short for Unstructured Data
Although data-centric enterprises have adequate strategies in place for managing their structured data, current tools are not sufficient for managing the recent wave of unstructured data growth, according to a new report Read more…
10 Big Data Trends to Watch in 2019
We seek ever more data for a good reason: it's the commodity that fuels digital innovation. However, turning those huge data collections into actionable insight remains a difficult proposition. Organizations that find so Read more…
What’s Up with 2019? Big Data Predictions
As 2018 rolls to a close, it's time to turn our attention to 2019 and the possibility that it holds. What will happen next year is anybody's guess, which is half the fun in assembling (and hopefully reading) predictions Read more…
Data Deletion in a World with Endless Storage
Storing data has become so easy and inexpensive that for many organizations there’s effectively no limit to the amount of data they’ll keep. Adding more space in the data center or, increasingly, taking advantage of Read more…
2018: A Big Data Year in Review
As 2018 comes to a close, it's worth taking some time to look back on the major events that occurred this year in the big data, data science, and AI space. There's a lot that occurred – and a lot that we chronicled in Read more…