Tag: Hadoop World
Strata Conference in Barcelona
Strata + Hadoop World is where cutting-edge data science and new business fundamentals intersect—and merge. You'll learn business applications of data technologies by dissecting case studies, develop new skills through Read more…
Visualizing Big Data’s Key Partner
Visualization is vital to managing big data. The proper charts, graphs, and other representations of large datasets can let business users see trends they would not know existed otherwise. And after having a busy week at Hadoop World, Tableau appears to be on the forefront of the big data visualization market. Read more…
Greenplum, Kaggle Team to Prospect Data Scientists
According to the McKinsey Global Institute, businesses in the United States alone will be short 140,000 to 190,000 data scientists by the year 2018. Greenplum intends to help solve this problem with a complete open sourcing of their Chorus platform and the resulting partnership with Kaggle, a website which fosters growth in the data science community by hosting data mining competitions among its 57,000 participants. Read more…
MapR Traces New Routes for HBase
This week we spent time with MapR during an event pre-Strata hosted with Google to understand why, HBase is a natural target area since it’s becoming a stable part of many production environments. The company says that around 40% of Hadoop users opt for.... Read more…
Cisco Works with Oracle, Hadoop ahead of Hadoop World
Cisco Technology Solutions Architect Sean McKeown talks Oracle, Hadoop at Oracle World, previews a Cisco presentation at the upcoming Hadoop World Read more…
Hadoop Events Crowd 2012 Calendar
If this is indeed the "Year of Hadoop" then it stands to reason this should also be the year of Hadoop-flavored events. In true form, Hadoop conferences in 2012 are growing in number, as are user groups, training sessions and workshops to.... Read more…
Cloudera Nets Another Massive Funding Round
Just in advance of the annual Hadoop World Conference (which is completely sold out, by the way), Cloudera announced another investment spree to bolster new business, this time to the tune of $40 million. Read more…