Picking the Right SQL-on-Hadoop Tool for the Job
SQL is, arguably, the biggest workload many organizations run on their Hadoop clusters. And there's good reason why: The combination of a familiar interface (SQL) along with a modern computing architecture (Hadoop) enabl Read more…
Pivotal Throws in with Hortonworks and Open Source
Pivotal today pulled the plug on its proprietary big data strategy and uncorked a major repositioning that involves making core products like HAWQ, Greenplum, and GemFire open source and aligning its Hadoop fortunes with Read more…
How Advances in SQL on Hadoop Are Democratizing Big Data–Part 1
September 2014 marked the anniversary of Edgar F. Codd’s 1969 introduction of “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks”, which is a compellation of research and theories that ultimately provided the Read more…
Pivotal Refreshes Hadoop Offering, Adds In-Memory Processing
As the commercial Hadoop field grows increasingly competitive, providers of this popular big data framework are working to differentiate their offerings. Pivotal, for one, has been honing the technologies developed and acquired by its parent companies as part of its vision to help enterprises realize the full potential of big data. Read more…
Pivotal Launches With $105m Investment From GE
Startup company, Pivotal, announced today that they will be receiving a strategic investment from GE along the lines of $105 million dollars, representing a 10% equity stake in the company that was spun out of EMC to challenge the existing cloud software establishment. Read more…