Tag: healthcare
Unlocking the Potential of AI and ML in Healthcare Today
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) in healthcare has brought about remarkable advancements in patient care, diagnosis, and treatment. These cutting-edge technologies have revolution Read more…
New AI Technique Helps Find Alzheimer’s Drug Targets
The use of artificial intelligence in discovering and developing new medication has been in progress for more than a decade. However, the recent advancement in AI technology and research has truly enabled us to bridge th Read more…
Venture Capital Funding Plummets, But AI Investment Growing Strong
Global funding from venture investors plunged 56% last month compared to April 2022, going from $47.8 billion to about $21 billion this year, according to a Crunchbase analysis released today. However, AI was one of the Read more…
Bill Gates Says the Age of AI Has Begun, Bringing Opportunity and Responsibility
The latter half of March has been a whirlwind moment for artificial intelligence. OpenAI released GPT-4 last week, and this week, Nvidia announced a new cloud services platform for generative AI while Google initiated th Read more…
Why Knowledge Graph for Financial Services? Real Use Cases
Forward thinking organizations are deploying semantic Knowledge Graphs as a powerful option to meet growing functional data management challenges. Knowledge Graphs are not just in academia, every day new enterprise knowl Read more…
Virta Health’s AI-Powered Coach Helps Patients Fight Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes afflicts tens of millions of Americans, with the disease inflicting severe impediments or even death on many — particularly in the wake of Covid, which is exacerbated by the condition. San Francisco-bas Read more…
Using Big Data to Prevent a Future Health Crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic hit the world like a slow-moving wrecking ball. Despite warnings back in December of 2019, it wasn't until mid-March of 2020 that governments were forced to take decisive action to slow the spread o Read more…
Putting Data to Work to Deliver the Best Care Everywhere
In healthcare, “big data” has been a topic of discussion since electronic health records (EHRs) were first introduced, spurring questions like, how is data stored? What’s the best way to organize it? And perhaps mo Read more…
Why AI Has Yet to Deliver on Promises in Healthcare
We’ve reached the point where computer vision and natural language processing (NLP) programs can match, and in some cases exceed, the capabilities of humans. In some medical specialties, such as radiology, AI stands re Read more…
Visualization Startup Brytlyt Combines AI, GPUs, PostgresSQL
The world may seem like it has slowed down in the midst of a pandemic, but technologies like real-time data analytics keep accelerating as one startup after another comes up with new ways to crunch numbers and leverage t Read more…
Localized Models Give Hospitals Flexibility in COVID-19 Response
Hospitals have been re-allocating resources and delaying elective surgeries in anticipation of a surge in COVID-19 patients over the past month. That surge didn’t materialize in most locations, and now, as the number o Read more…
Deep Learning Shows Promise in Screening CT Scans
Healthcare applications for AI continue to emerge, including vetted algorithms used as diagnostic tools for analyzing medical imagery to spot critical abnormalities. AI startup Qure.ai said a clinical validation study Read more…
What Will AI’s Biggest Contribution to Healthcare Be?
Artificial intelligence is already improving many aspects of our lives, including how we drive, how we socialize, and what we buy. It also has the potential to transform healthcare in variety of ways, but the biggest imp Read more…
African Hospitals Go Digital with NoSQL and Mobile Tech
In many parts of Africa, patient health records are still a paper-based affair, which greatly hinders the capability of public health officials to track the spread of diseases like Ebola, let alone allow a nurse to acces Read more…
AMA Launches Data Framework Effort
The American Medical Association is launching a big data initiative intended to forge what it calls a "common data model" currently missing from the health care system. The Integrated Health Model Initiative seeks to Read more…
IBM Object Storage Targets Compliance Data
IBM rolled out on-premises storage options this week targeting the management of regulatory data along with an object storage scaling capability billed as reducing hardware requirements. The company said the object st Read more…
Medicine’s Data Transformation, From Genomics to Reforms
The interaction of big data and healthcare is transforming medicine, but clinicians and regulators continue to struggle to achieve the ultimate goal of making data serve patients through "evidence-based care." Those w Read more…
DataRobot Delivers an ML Automation Boost for Evariant
Companies in all industries face an acute shortage of data scientists, those digital alchemists who turn raw data into gold. But for the healthcare software company Evariant, the decision to use DataRobot to automate its Read more…
3 Key Steps to Transforming Healthcare with Predictive Analytics
The healthcare industry has a data problem. There is an overabundance of raw data available, and figuring out the best way to manage this data has presented many challenges. For example, the data from patient records fro Read more…
Healthcare Professionals Get Cognitive Sooner with Watson Health Financed by IBM
Perhaps more than any other, the healthcare industry is undergoing dramatic upheaval. Changes in reimbursement models, continued merger and acquisition activity, regulatory requirements, and the increased focus on qualit Read more…