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Tag: Hive

Cloudera Sees Iceberg Everywhere

Cloudera gave its hybrid cloud customers a big boost today when it announced on-prem support for the Apache Iceberg table format. The move gives customers the capability to access and process on-prem data with any Iceber Read more…

The Key Tech Enabling Cloudera’s New Lakehouse

Cloudera today debuted CDP One, its new software-as-a-service (SaaS) lakehouse offering. For the first time, Cloudera is taking over management of its data platform on behalf of its customers. It’s also Cloudera’s fi Read more…

Ahana Launches ‘Forever Free’ Presto Service, Series A Top-Off

Ahana today announced a free version of its hosted Presto service that can run on a six-node EC2 cluster indefinitely. It also added another $7.2 million to its previously announced Series A round, giving the startup mor Read more…

Snowflake, AWS Warm Up to Apache Iceberg

Apache Iceberg, the table format that ensures consistency and streamlines data partitioning in demanding analytic environments, is being adopted by two of the biggest data providers in the cloud, Snowflake and AWS. Custo Read more…

Presto Poised for a Breakout Year as Data Explosion Continues

Presto, the federated SQL query engine developed at Facebook as a follow-on to Apache Hive, appears to be on the cusp of breaking out in a big way. That’s good news for customers who want to analyze a wide variety of d Read more…

Will the Presto Community Ever Be United Again?

If you haven’t noticed yet, there’s drama in Presto-land. There are now two versions of the open source SQL query engine, PrestoDB and PrestoSQL, and each of them have different software foundations behind them. The Read more…

Return of the Living Data

When Google published a paper on its proprietary BigQuery engine about nine years ago, the open source community reproduced the technology as best they could, just as they did with MapReduce and the Google File System, w Read more…

Simplifying the Big Data Lake Experiences in the Cloud

The cloud is a hot spot for big data lakes these days, thanks largely to the greater technological simplicity and lower upfront costs of getting started in the public cloud. But as organizations grow their cloud data lak Read more…

Presto Moves Under Linux Umbrella

An SQL query engine developed by Facebook and moved earlier this year to a non-profit development group is now being hosted by the Linux Foundation. The new Presto Foundation is seen as a way to scale the popular dist Read more…

Microsoft Expands Hadoop on Azure

Microsoft has upgraded its open source analytics services running on Azure with a new version of Hadoop incorporating enhancements of Apache Hive and other open source analytics frameworks. The software giant (NASDAQ: Read more…

Can On-Prem S3 Compete with HDFS for Analytic Workloads?

In the battle for big data storage supremacy, Hadoop is still in the running. It may no longer be the 800-lb gorilla, but the demonstrated scalability of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) makes it a potent conten Read more…

Presto Backers Bolster Its Open Source Origins

A new industry group will promote Presto, the popular open source distributed SQL query engine launched by Facebook engineers in 2012 as a follow-on to Apache Hive. The Presto Software Foundation launched on Thursday Read more…

Attunity Brings CDC to Google Cloud

Enterprises that are looking to push transactional data from on-premise systems into Google's cloud environment may want to check out the latest from Attunity, which today announced support for Google Cloud Platform with Read more…

Presto Use Surges, Qubole Finds

Don't look now, but Presto, the SQL engine developed by Facebook as a follow-on to Hive, is starting to catch on in a big way. According to a new survey of big data-as-a-service customers by Qubole, Presto logged impress Read more…

Cloudera Bringing Impala to AWS Cloud

Apache Impala, the SQL-based analytical database that originated at Cloudera, will soon be available as a managed service on the Amazon Web Services cloud, the Hadoop software distributor announced today at AWS Re:Invent Read more…

Hadoop Engines Compete in Comcast Query ‘Smackdown’

Who rules the ring when it comes to Hadoop SQL query engine performance? Can flashy newcomers like Presto and Spark take an established giant like MapReduce to the matt? Comcast recently held a competition to crown the b Read more…

Cloudera Unveils Altus to Simplify Hadoop in the Cloud

Running Hadoop, whether on-premise or in the cloud, is neither simple nor easy. Administrators with specialized skills are needed to configure, manage, and maintain the clusters for their clients, who are data scientists Read more…

Hortonworks Touts Hive Speedup, ACID to Prevent ‘Dirty Reads’

If you're considering using Hadoop for SQL-based analytics and BI, you'll be interested in the latest news out of Hortonworks, which today unveiled a new release of its flagship data platform that boasts a fast new relea Read more…

Hadoop Has Failed Us, Tech Experts Say

The Hadoop dream of unifying data and compute in a distributed manner has all but failed in a smoking heap of cost and complexity, according to technology experts and executives who spoke to Datanami. "I can't find a Read more…

How PRGX Is Making Its AS/400-to-Hadoop Migration Work

Many companies are using big data technologies to build new applications that can take advantage of emerging data streams, like sensor data or social media. It's not often you see established back-office applications bei Read more…
