Tag: IDC
Immuta Report Highlights ‘Aspiration Gap’ in Cloud Data Management
A new IDC InfoBrief, sponsored by data access specialist Immuta, has found that while 87% of European CXOs named becoming a data-driven organization as a high priority, significant challenges remain in their cloud data m Read more…
Report: Data Mature Organizations See 3x Greater Revenue
Digital insights specialist Heap has announced findings from its newly released sponsored IDC white paper, “How Data Maturity and Product Analytics Improve Digital Experiences and Business Outcomes.” The paper found Read more…
New Study Finds Data Intelligence Maturity Drives 3x Better Business Outcomes
Data intelligence specialist Collibra has sponsored a new IDC white paper, the 2022 Data Intelligence Index, that finds organizations with higher levels of maturity concerning data intelligence are likely to realize high Read more…
Multi-Cloud Driving Database Monitoring Services
The steady shift of databases to multiple clouds has created a niche market for SQL database monitoring tools used to track the performance of those enterprise platforms increasingly running in hybrid configurations. Read more…
10 Big Data Statistics That Will Blow Your Mind
They call it “big data” for a reason--it's really, really big. But getting your head wrapped around the growth of information digitization is not easy. That’s why we carefully curated these 10 mind-blowing facts ab Read more…
Global DataSphere to Hit 59 Zettabytes in 2020 Alone, IDC Projects
A large hard drive for a personal computer might have a terabyte of storage capacity. Now imagine filling one of those with data every day for around 161 million years, and you’ll have an idea how much data will be “ Read more…
Hyperscale Datacenters Lift Many Boats
Soaring demand for hyperscale datacenters and colocation services is having a ripple effect within the value chain that builds and integrates those services, a new survey finds. As edge deployments and software-define Read more…
The State of Storage: Cloud, IoT, and Data Center Trends
One of the biggest storylines in data storage this year is the explosion of the cloud and the simplicity that cloud storage can bring. But cloud storage isn't the whole story – not by a long shot – as IoT data genera Read more…
Data Growth Rate in U.S. Predicted to Slow
While data continues to pile up in unprecedented volumes, the rate of data generation in the U.S. relative to the rest of the world is predicted to slow in the coming years, according to a new report issued by IDC. Th Read more…
AI Spending Set to Skyrocket, So What’s the Holdup?
If your business is investing in artificial intelligence (AI), congratulations -- it shows understanding of the potential risks and rewards associated with the emergence of this powerful new technology. While billions of Read more…
Only a Fraction of 160 Zettabyte ‘Datasphere’ to Be Stored
Think you've seen big data? Think again. The amount of data created in the universe will skyrocket from 16 zettabytes this year to more than 160 zettabytes by 2025, according to a new IDC report sponsored by Seagate. Luc Read more…
Object Storage Ecosystem Grows While Standardizing and Consolidating, IDC Says
The object storage system landscape has changed dramatically in the past year thanks to consolidation of the players involved and technological standardization, IDC says in its latest report. Object-based storage syst Read more…
Tech ‘Democratization’ Seen Fueling Analytics Boom
The "democratization" of analytics illustrated by the transition to self-service business intelligence and foolproof BI platforms promises to boost to global analytics market to new heights in 2016 and beyond, market res Read more…
IDC Talks Convergence in High Performance Data Analysis
At the International Supercomputing Conference (ISC’13) this week, convergence is in the air as many discussions are including talk about the merging of traditional high performance technical computing with the rising data tides of the enterprise. Putting data and use cases on display, the analysts at IDC gave their view of this convergence space – and shared their own name for it: High Performance Data Analysis (or HPDA). Read more…
Can Cloud Bridge the Big Data Talent Gap?
Big Data and cloud are both out pacing the rest of the software industry in growth rate according to recent IDC findings, and according to one analyst, as this trend persists, cloud-enabled big data software may be the tonic to help salve the skills gap that gets talked about so much in the big data arena. Read more…
SGI Plants Big Data Seeds in HPC
Mannel and Conway talked this week about SGI and their various big data functions. Their focus was specifically data-intensive high performance computing, otherwise known as high performance data analytics (HPDA). The talk touched on both the rise of big data within HPC and how SGI has molded to that. Read more…
Financial Services’ Big Data To-Do List
This week SunGard consultants, with the help of IDC financial analysts, developed a practical list of the challenges and opportunities that the financial services industry faces as data volume, complexity, and the need for ever-increasing speed continue to grow with.... Read more…
This Week’s Big Data Big Ten
On tap this week are announcements from the high performance computing camp wherein four companies, including AMAX and Mellanox developed a big data appliance. Also, short details on the new analyst view of the booming Hadoop ecosystem, SAS and their text mining push and much more... Read more…
Making the Big Data, Telco Connection
The success of the telco industry has always been tied to making rapid, actionable use out of user data. However, the real-time angle to big analytics platforms and applications as well as and the host of complex new data management innovations is..... Read more…