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Tag: image recognition

AI Can Identify Painters Based on Their Paintings’ Textures

Image recognition from two-dimensional imagery is nothing new—pull up Google yourself, and it’s easy enough to search by image and find information on that image and many related images. But in the art world, such to Read more…

MIT Researchers Develop AI That Better Understands Object Relationships

Increasingly, AI is competent when it comes to identifying objects in a scene: built-in AI for an app like Google Photos, for instance, might recognize a bench, or a bird, or a tree. But that same AI might be left cluele Read more…

Is Zero Closer to Eight or to One?

Is zero closer to eight or to one? Is this a three or a five? This was the type of question we were pondering a few weeks ago when we examined the results of an image classification application. Yes, indeed, a zero is Read more…

Facebook Releases Another Deep Learning Tool

Facebook has released to open-source developers a deep learning framework that does double duty for computer vision and language tasks. Built on its PyTorch framework, Facebook is positioning Pythia as supporting “ Read more…

Toward ‘Biologically Plausible’ AI

In the latest attempt at understanding the mechanism(s) by which machines learn, and AI researcher and a neuroscientist probed for similarities in the computational properties between deep neural networks and human brain Read more…

Accelerating Neural Network Design

The design of a neural network architecture remains a daunting problem, requiring human expertise and lots of computing resources. The soaring computational requirements of neural architecture search (NAS) algorithms use Read more…

Proliferation of Data Driving Machine Learning

Machine learning is a hot topic, but what applications is the technology driving and what drives machine learning? The short answer, concludes a new research report on machine learning, is data—lots of data. "Data i Read more…

Kaggle Tackles Whale of an Identification Problem

Kaggle has hosted lots of different data science competitions over the years, but none quite like the one launched by NOAA Fisheries earlier this year. The government agency, with financial support from MATLAB creator Ma Read more…

The Big Data Inside Amazon’s New Fire Phone

The new Fire phone that Amazon launched this week looks like your ordinary black smartphone, with a bright 4.7-inch screen, sharp 1080p camera, and stereo speakers. But this little device does some stuff that Google and Read more…

GPU-Powered Tagging Service ‘Gets’ the Big Picture

Picture sharing has blossomed on the Internet, thanks to the ubiquitous camera-phone, 4G cell service, and social media sites like Pintrest and Instagram. However, the ability of organizations to interpret and understand Read more…
