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Tag: innovation

Does Open Source Software Still Matter?

One of the hallmarks of the big data era has been widespread use of free and open source software. But in recent months, companies like Cockroach Labs and Anaconda have pulled back on their commitments to free and open s Read more…

Cloud Cost-Saving Claims Questioned

Does the public cloud help companies save money? While cloud vendors like AWS tout cost savings as a major benefit, the question once again has come up for debate, especially among medium-sized and large companies that h Read more…

The CDO’s Role in Leading Data-Driven Transformation

The evolution demanded of companies today is propelled by the blurring of lines between the physical and digital worlds. With faster internet connections, the adoption of mobile and cloud technologies, as well as the adv Read more…

Keeping the Big Picture In Sight at H2O World

SriSatish Ambati, the CEO of, had just taken the stage at H2O World in San Francisco yesterday morning. His keynote had barely begun, but Ambati clearly had something to get off his chest. "Time is the only non-re Read more…

Cloud Backlash Grows as Open Source Gets Less Open

Are cloud providers freeloading on free and open software? That question is casting a shadow on the growth potential of cloud computing as vendors like Confluent, MongoDB, and Redis Labs put new restrictions that prevent Read more…
