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Tag: Intel

Inside Redfin’s Cautious Approach to Big Data

There's a certain allure to big data technology that tempts us to view it as the solution to every business problem. But there are times when the simplicity of traditional technology--like relational databases--outweigh Read more…

Intel Investments Seek to Speed Big Data Rollouts

Chipmaker Intel Corp. is expanding its push into big data with an equity investment and a technology partnership with BlueData, the startup that specializes in generating virtualized big data clusters. Along with the Read more…

Health Alliance Looks to Leverage, Secure Patient Data

The health care IT sector is attracting major players as companies chasing lucrative government contracts form partnerships that combine big data technologies to improve public health while harnessing advances in genomic Read more…

Apache Spark Ecosystem Continues To Build

Apache Spark was everywhere at the recent Strata + Hadoop World conference. From Tableau's new Spark interface to the new Spark as a service (SaaS) offerings and Intel's new Spark initiative, the big data framework was v Read more…

Cloudera, Dell, Intel Target ‘Big Data Ecosystem’

Cloudera, Dell and Intel said they plan to launch dedicated Dell In-Memory Appliances for the Cloudera Enterprise as a way to boost real-time analytics performance. The partners said the goal of the engineering partne Read more…

Intel Exits Hadoop Market, Throws In with Cloudera

Intel today announced it will cease development of its own Hadoop distribution and instead will invest in and promote Cloudera's distribution to its customers. The surprise move confirms a rumor that surfaced last week that had Intel taking a significant stake in Cloudera during its latest round of venture funding. Read more…

Hadoop No ‘Sideshow,’ Intel Says

When Intel launched its Hadoop distribution a year ago, there were some in the industry who viewed the move skeptically. Intel's specialty, after all, is developing processors, motherboards, and systems. What does it know about writing and supporting open source software? Apparently, quite a bit. What's more, the company's commitment to open source software may be stronger than you think. Read more…

Playing Stadium Tycoon with HANA and Hadoop

In the video game Roller Coaster Tycoon, players would build and manage an amusement park while being able to see the thoughts of their patrons in real time as they walk through and experience the park. Through social media, Hadoop, and HANA, the software giant SAP says the same type of interaction can be created in the real world. Read more…

Is Intel Raining on the Hadoop Distro Startup Parade?

When Intel joined the Hadoop distro game this past February, one of the big questions was what Intel would bring to the Hadoop mix that wasn't already there in an increasingly crowding market. The answer, of course, was (and is) Intel’s unmatched credibility in the enterprise. Read more…

Big Data Faces Big Barriers to Adoption in Healthcare

Big data has the capacity to transform how medical care is delivered in this country and around the world, not only in the personal delivery of care, but in how research is conducted. But according to experts in the field, the laws on the books in the United States are hindering the adoption of big data analytics in healthcare. Read more…

Cloud-Based Healthcare Data Hinges on Security

At HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) 2013, a panel headed by David Houlding, Healthcare Privacy and Security Lead Architect of Intel , discussed the access benefits and the security challenges of moving that information to the cloud. Read more…

Intel and Hadoop Help Power Pecan Street

The advent of electric cars has introduced a new energy usage animal for utility companies and consumers to deal with. With the help of Intel distribution and Hadoop processing and the Texas Advanced Computing Canter, the Pecan Street Project in Austin has been set up to assist utilities and customers make informed decisions on energy usage in homes and across communities, with a special interest in how solar panels and electric cars affect that usage. Read more…

Intel CIO’s Big Data Prescription

While some are drinking the big data Kool-Aid, Intel seems to be guzzling straight out of the punchbowl and says they’ve already realized millions in ROI benefits. Read more…

Intel: Real Time is Where Hadoop Will Shine

Hadoop has hardly scratched the surface of its potential, says Intel, who sees a future that includes real-time, multi-application utilization of the software framework. Read more…

Juneja: HPC, Cloud, and Open Source the Nexus of Big Data Innovation

It should come as no surprise that Intel is converging HPC, cloud and open source, said Intel's big data chief at the Strata 2013 conference this week. Read more…

Intel Hitches Xeon to Hadoop Wagon

No longer content to sit on the sidelines of major Hadoop events, Intel has unveiled its strategy to tap into the momentum around the open source platform with its own purpose-built distribution. Read more…

Amazon Accelerates NASA’s Search for Life on Mars

NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory uses Amazon Web Services to aid data processing in their Curiosity and other Mars rover missions. The cloud-based Amazon service helps boost NASA computing power during the small windows in the day that the space program can contact their rovers. Read more…

Understanding Data Intensive Analysis on Large-Scale HPC Compute Systems

Data intensive computing is an important and growing sector of scientific and commercial computing and places unique demands on computer architectures. While the demands are continuing to grow, most of present systems, and even planned future systems might not meet these computing needs very effectively. The majority of the world’s most powerful supercomputers are designed for running numerically intensive applications that can make efficient use of distributed memory. There are a number of factors that limit the utility of these systems for knowledge discovery and data mining. Read more…

Intel Invests in Big Data with Research Center

This week Intel announced a new center that will focus on critical roadblocks in big data development with an eye on the unique problems of data-intensive computing in the enterprise. The center, which will be housed at MIT's CSAIL will look to the.... Read more…
