Tag: Joe Biden
Biden’s Executive Order on AI and Data Privacy Gets Mostly Favorable Reactions
As expected, President Joe Biden today issued an executive order on the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and the protection of sensitive data. Technology leaders reacted in a mostly favorable manner to the order, Read more…
White House Issues Executive Order for AI
Artificial intelligence has great potential, for promise and peril. Using AI responsibly can help solve some of the most challenging issues around the globe, but it can also be used for societal harm and mass destruction Read more…
2020 Election: Five Ways to Improve the Accuracy of Polls
There has been a lot of handwringing from professional pollsters regarding the failure to predict President Trump’s victory in 2016. Not a lot has changed when it comes to the mechanisms for detecting political signals Read more…
Qlik Launches Presidential Debate Analytics Tool
Even if you’ve been watching the presidential debates, you may have come away asking yourself: what were they even saying? In the cacophony of controversies, interruptions, and shouting, it can be difficult to discern Read more…
Systemic Data Errors Still Plague Presidential Polling
Four years ago, national polling firms almost universally failed to detect the true level of support for Donald Trump in his quest for the White House. This year, the same underlying conditions that made Trump’s electo Read more…
Big Data and the White House’s Cancer Moonshot
The White House wants to invest $1 billion in a new Cancer Moonshot aimed at accelerating research into ways to detect, treat, and prevent the debilitating series of diseases. It's not the first time the government has a Read more…