Tag: Kinesis
Most AWS Analytics Customers Will Go Serverless, VP Says
Serverless computing has become the latest battleground as cloud service providers compete to make their offerings as simple to use as possible. AWS is right in the game too, launching a slew of serverless offerings at t Read more…
What’s Behind Lyft’s Choices in Big Data Tech
Lyft was a late entrant to the ride-sharing business model, at least compared to its competitor Uber, which pioneered the concept and remains the largest provider. That delay in starting out actually gave Lyft a bit of a Read more…
Inside Fortnite’s Massive Data Analytics Pipeline
With 125 million players around the world, Fortnite has set a new standard of success for massively multi-player games. But pulling together all the servers, databases, and data pipelines to manage 92 million events per Read more…
The Serverless ETL Nextdoor
When Nextdoor set out to rebuild its data ingestion pipeline so it could better handle billions of files per day, it brought in all the usual suspects in the real-time racket: Spark, Kafka, Flume, etc. In the end, howeve Read more…
The Real-Time Future of ETL
We're on the cusp of a huge uptick in data generation thanks to the IoT, but most of that data will never be landed in a central repository or stored for any length of time. To get a handle on this morass of data, enterp Read more…
Iguazio Re-Architects the Stack for Continuous Analytics
When it comes to modern big data architectures, you will typically find lots of different components, engines, and moving parts, each of which tackles part of the problem. One vendor with bold vision of re-architecting t Read more…