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Tag: language models

The Evolution of Time-Series Models: AI Leading a New Forecasting Era

We are now in an era where large foundation models (large-scale, general-purpose neural networks pre-trained in an unsupervised manner on large amounts of diverse data) are transforming fields like computer vision, natu Read more…

Stanford Researchers Develop HELM Benchmark for Language Models

Foundation models like GPT-3, BLOOM, and BERT have garnered much attention as of late, for good reason. These versatile models, often trained with a vast amount of unstructured data, have immense capabilities that can be Read more…

2021 Big Data Year in Review: Part 2

There was a lot going on in 2021, but we’ve done our best to synthesize some of the top stories of the year. Here, we pick up where we left off in part one of this two-part piece. One of the most interesting develop Read more…
