Tag: link analysis
‘Unlinkable Data Challenge’ Opens with $50k Grand Prize
Think you have a clever way to unlock big public data for analysis without compromising citizens' privacy? Then the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) would like to hear from you for its "Unlinkable Da Read more…
Full-Stack Link Analysis for the Masses
There are lots of ways organizations can find meaningful information hidden in huge datasets. In the recent past, small armies of analysts would pore through the data using rudimentary tools. More recently, large corpora Read more…
Text Analytics and Machine Learning: A Virtuous Combination
The world of big data analytics is incredibly diverse, and people are coming up with new analytic tools and techniques every day. But one particularly productive combination that should not be overlooked involves the use Read more…
How Data Analytics Is Helping to Fight Human Trafficking
The scourge of human trafficking exists in every major city in the United States, where it ruins the lives of victims while enriching the traffickers. Local police often are ill-equipped to deal with sophisticated traffi Read more…